Thursday, April 27, 2006

I wanna soldier!

Um... I think there's two sounds in the pull backs. It's like, we brush both feet, jump in the air and land.....
Natalie and I re-taught the first part of our hip-hop dance to the other girls. They are such nincompoops! I hate to say it, but they are really stupid, because they don't practice so they look really bad and they just copy off me and Natalie. AA! Bugs me!

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Banana nut muffins

I really, really, really want to see Adaptation. Leslie showed me a quote, and it was absolutally hilarious. It sounded like my brain.
Dancing is tonight. Can't wait. I've been practicing my pull-backs. My stupid left foot is still slow on it though...
I've also, *ahem* missplaced The Adventures of Tom Sawyer... That's kinda bad, consdiering it's my dad's book. Eeks. Martha's watching a Land Before Time movie. I think it's the second one. AAH! LONG-NECK IS NOT A TYPE OF DINOSAUR!!!!!!

Monday, April 24, 2006

Mickey Mick didn't come out of the back room at all today but I heard him rustling so he's not dead.

Leslie and I went looking for Cillian-ish blogs and found this. I swear to God, this old lady is on LSD.

Sunday, April 23, 2006


We made tin foil hats at the sleepover to keep out the alien brian-probing rays. Oh yeah, how cool is that?
We also watched Red Eye and Cillian Begins. HOT HOT HOT HOT HOT HOT HOT HOT HOT HOT HOT HOT HOT HOT HOT!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, April 20, 2006

So true...

I'm cleanin' house, mah peepz! Gettin' ready for the big sleepover with Rachel M, where we will we watching TWO awesome bjoshum Cillian movies!!!! Are you ready for many posts about how adorable he is and how everyone abuses him? Because it's true!!!!
And why is it that when I try to get to I always end up typing "xanag"? It sounds like something from a "Spaceman Spiff" comic.

Fan fiction site?

I'm thinking of having my own little fan fiction site. Where I just post my own fan fiction.... but I don't know.... would that be stupid?
Oh, and I guess my friends could post their fan fictions if we shared an account...
But would that be stupid? Like some lame substitute for not getting my FF on Mugglenet?
I guess, a little. But what do you guys think?

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

The amazing Google guru!

Hey guess what one of my newist internet escapades is? Searching for scripts of the movies that Cillian has been in!!! You just go to google and type in "28 Days Later script" or "Batman Begins script" or "Cold Mountian script" (which I'm doing right now to see if his charictor dies) or anything else he's been in and it will give you links to read it. Which is what google does, if you didn't know. It gives you links. *Captain Obvious strikes again!*
OMG OMG OMG OMG LESLIE YOU WILL NOT BELIVE WHAT I JUST FOUND! Intenet movie SCRIPT database!!!!! if this link doesn't work. Unreliable computer.

Monday, April 17, 2006

That rocker, with the hair.

I'm feeling very accomplished today. I got lots of stuff done to further the process of filming Robinson's Wharf. I still have to call Brenna's uncle, but that's okay. I don't have to call him for a few more days. Maybe even a week. I don't know.
L'anyhoodle, the scripts are getting copied today and then I have to print off the list of props and mail those things to the peeps. Then all I will have to do is have a meeting with Kate about music, and call Brenna's uncle. Oh, and plus make the shedule. This is so much fun. I feel to professional.

Saturday, April 15, 2006


I watched The Amityville Horror today. It was scary scary scary!!!! I'm kinda afraid of going to the bathroom alone at night now, because there was this one part where they were in the house and this kid, he must have been around ten, had to go to the bathroom. So he went and he went over to wash his hands, and he turned the tap on, but nothing happened. So he turned on the other tap and nothing happened. Then the vent started to freak out (the thing throughout the movie that tells you something bad is going to happen), and the kid looked at the tap and it started to drip blood, and there was a shot of the boy, but there was this ghost behind him that was SOOOOOOOOOO SCARY!!!!!!!! OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG IT WAS SOOOOOO FLIPPIN' SCARY!!!!! It kinda looked like Gollum, only it was bigger and not a hobbit and it had a buncha blood coming out of it's mouth and on it's face and stuff. It was SOOO FLIPPIN' CREEPY. If I had been the kid in the movie I would have been like "OMG OMG OMG I DON'T WANT THIS GUY BEHIND ME!!! I DON'T CARE IF IT HAPPENED IN REAL LIFE!!!!!"
And then the end was really creepy, when the dad goes completly crazy and knocks down the wall that was talking to him and he sees all the creepy ghosts that the priest guy murdered when he owned the house. And then the preist killed himself so his spirit would always be in the house making people kill people. It was crazy/weird/scary. Leslie, do not see it.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Diamond Dogs

I am officially addicted to the song Diamond Dogs. It is just sooooo goood!!!!!!!! Exspecially *spelled incorrectly on purpose* if you have seen Moulin Rouge recently. It makes all the songs that much better. Anyways, I have a dentist appointment today, and I had to take the stupid pill that tastes okay, but is also kinda gross at the same time. Stupid heart murmer..... I eats it. Except for not because it would be really stupid to eat my own heart..... Ew. Unpleasent imagrey *spelled wrong not on purpose. I'm just a bad speller*.
You know what I hate? I hate when you work really hard on a fan fiction and then you realize it's a peice of crap that needs some major editing. I hate that. Exspecially when you thought it was awesome when you wrote it.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006


WE WON BATTLE OF THE BOOKS!!!!! AGAINST OUR RIVAL TEAM!!!!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What happened was that the semifinalists (eight teams) took the test that narrowed it down to the final two who proceed to the final round, which is the oral round.
The two teams that proceeded to the final round were us and the long-rival other homeschoolers who are an all girls team. Our team is all boys except for me. Oh, plus only four other team members showed up, because Jordan and Wesley were in Hawaii and the Lewins didn't think to call Brenna (the alternate) until the night before the competition. (Dumbasses) Anyways. Errelivant to the story. We had all the books read, except for this one that we were only 50 pages into....
BUT ANYWAYS!!!!! We proceded to the final round it was us (Pedroz Commandoz) against the Chapter Chicks!!! *giggle giggle boys giggle* (The other team). And after two heated rounds, we triumphed!!!! BWAHAHAHAHAA!!!!! VICTORY!!!!!! HAPPY DANCE AND ALL THAT!!!! VICTORY IS OURS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *dance of happiness and triumph*

*sobs eyes out*

I watched Brokeback Mountain finally. IT WAS SO SAD AND WONDERFUL AND ADORABLE AND SHIPPERFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was shipping Ennis and Jack so bad. I sobbed my eyes out for about ten minutes when it was over. SOOO SAD!!!! EVERYONE MUST WATCH!!!!!!!

Monday, April 10, 2006

Death Cab for Cutie

One of my favorite bands is Death Cab For Cutie. They are really good. Good lyrics, music, etc, plus I thought the singer sounded really hott. =P
I had never seen a picture of them, until yesterday. And I was like "OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!!!" Because the lead singer isn't cute!!! He's a dork!!!! Everyone in that band is a dork and they are all ugly!!!!
That confirms all my experements with singers with hott voices. They are all ugly. Death Cab for Cutie is ugly, Umphrey's McGee singer is old, so is Wilco...... This is a big problem here, people. If people with good voices are ugly, that means people with bad voices are hott (exception: boy bands). THAT MEANS CILLIAN MIGHT HAVE A REALLY BAD VOICE!!!!! Oh no, wait.... It doesn't!!! Because Ewan is hott and has a good voice!!!! AH!!!! WONDERFUL!!!! Nevermind!!! All results from that test are nil and void!!! Hooray! Good triumphs again!!!! *happy dance*

Sunday, April 09, 2006

I am so amazing

I saw Crash!!!!! It was good, but I actually liked Capote better. Not that Crash didn't deserve the best picture oscar, I'm just saying I personally thought that Capote deserved it more.
I would know if Brokeback Mountain was worthy too if I could just find it somewhere!!!! It's all rented out everywhere here. There was an intire wall of it at Movie Gallery and every single one of them was gone. I didn't think there were enough people in *cough* Douglas *cough* to have one for each person, but apparently there is........
Anyways, I'm going to keep searching until I find a rentable copy! I will triumph!!!!! *strikes melodromatic pose*

Saturday, April 08, 2006

How to do a mushup

Step one: Do a regular pushup.

Step two: Turn onto your back and put your legs up to get ready to do a sit up.

Step three: Do a sit up.

Step four: Turn back on your stomach.

Lather, rinse, repeat.

Thursday, April 06, 2006


Bwahahaha!!!! The evolutionists win!!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Eat this, Jesus! Plus, the thing that they said about pushups reminds me of something we still have to do, Leslie. Which is..... TELL THE WORLD ABOUT MUSHUPS!!!!!!! It's the Bohemian sensation that's sweeping the nation. It's Bohemian because I have desided to be a Bohemian and I envented it so.....
PS *cough* Um... Leslie... What's bohemian??? Isn't it, like, the whole Moulin Rouge "Truth, Beauty, Freedom, and Love" thing??? Idk. Plz enlighten me.
AAANYWAYS.... What did I do today..... Um....
Well, after ITBS, Michael, Rachel T, Justin (new guy) and I all went for a ride with Joyce. She drove us down a hill in nutural. <--- (Bad spelling). It was wondercrump. <--- (BFG spelling).
And that is about all that happened today, so far. So... yup. That's it kids.
OH! Except we might be renting Brokeback Mountain because I haven't seen it yet and I NEEEED to!!!!!!

Wednesday, April 05, 2006


Today at ITBS we were about to start, and then all of the sudden, Michael comes in and the girls go from quiet to "Hi Michael!!! HI!!! OMG HI MICHAEL!!! OVER HERE OVER HERE!!!! OVER HERE, MICHAEL!!!" And it was like a madhouse and I was laughing so hard because none of the girls know him like I do and have any contact with him at all, so he was obviously not coming in to say "Hi, babes, I love you all!" He was coming in to look for a pencil sharpener.
*rolls eyes* The things we women do for love..... ;)

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Make sure to secure the door when I am gone. There are many dangerous people who wanna take things from Americans, and also kidnap them. Good night!

I love Alex! What can I say? He's a premium dancer, he wants to be an accountant,
he eats meat.... The list goes on and on!
I would add him to my last name, but I'm too lazy to find out what his real name is. Besides, I love the charictor, I don't know about the actor.
Leslie, I know I can never ammount to your movie watching/reviewing skills, but I wish I had Netflix so I could see all the cool indies, like you do. I am such a copycat.
Also, ITBS started today. *facepalm* Stupid ITBS.... (Ireland Test of Basic Skills)
Ooh! Les, also, did you find out when exactly that movie making seminar thing in the summer is? Because I MUST BECOME A DIRECTOR!!!!!! See, I've got it all figured out. I will write/make/star in the movies, Bea will edit them/have a cameo and you will review them! How wonderful does that sound? *is pleased with self*

Saturday, April 01, 2006

He's such a premium dancer!

I watched "Everything is Illuminated" today. One of the best movies I have ever seen. 5 stars!!! Everyone must see!!!!

Don't mind this

I'm just doing this to republish my blog.... read the post below if you want a real post......

Oh, woe to me. - Aunt Voula

I got some adorable shoes at Walmart *hiss* today. I hate Walmart, and I wouldn't normally go in there, but we had to get socks and I saw the shoes and was like "OMG I MUST HAVE THEM!!!!"
Okay, so they are shiny this color red flip-flops with kitten heels. I thought they were cute, but then mom said "Look at those kitten heels" And I was like "AAAH! KITTEN!!!! LIKE CILLIAN'S CHARICTOR IN BREAKFAST ON PLUTO!!! They must be mine!!!!"
So now I am broke because Mom wouldn't buy them for me, so I had to spend my $6 *gasp at my richness* on them.
PS, Leslie I watched "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" again because of that quote you had on your blog from it, so now I am quoting it all the tim.e =)