Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Good times

Hello again internet! I just found this old letter I wrote to the guy that now writes the Harry Potter movies in my "Fan Fiction" folder and I was like "this is the most hilarious thing ever! I must share it with the world." So here you go, world. Here's my crazy.

Dear Mr. Michael Goldenburg-face-guy,

YOU ARE MY FRIGGIN’ IDOL, BEOTCH!!!!! WHERE THE HELL DID YOU LEARN TO WRITE LIKE THAT!! YOU ARE DA MAN FO’ SHIZZLE, MAH SPANISH GALLEON. You are pretty much my favourite human. Take over for Mr. Stupid-Butt-Pie-Writer-Cloves-Face-Man, because you rock da socks and are a Ron/Hermione shipper, and he is poopy and a Harry/Hermione shipper. That ship must sink, and all on it must drown in their own disgustingness! I say this, of course, with the utmost conviction.
Yes, you rocked the boft, if I do say so myself, which I do. And my praise is certainly much higher than a lot that you will get, because I thought all the Harry Potter movies were shit, except the third one which was the shit because of Alfonso Cuaron and all the Ron/Hermione-ness.
Harmony= Poopy-face-guy-head. Heron= HEART HEART HEART HEART HEART!!!! Yay! With a side helping of lotsofsexandbabies. ß Alan Rickman quote, beotch.

In short, you are pretty much the shit right now.
I’mma go take 5 and read some Ron/Hermione fan fiction. There’s this pwnigde one, where they get married. Its so cute. You should read it. It’s by alloy on Alloy is a 35 year old man, but don’t let that stop you, his writing is mah favrito.

Heron-ly yours,

Maddie “The Shipper” Schoonover-Murphy-Grint
Okay. This is just crazy. I love it.

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