Wednesday, April 12, 2006


WE WON BATTLE OF THE BOOKS!!!!! AGAINST OUR RIVAL TEAM!!!!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What happened was that the semifinalists (eight teams) took the test that narrowed it down to the final two who proceed to the final round, which is the oral round.
The two teams that proceeded to the final round were us and the long-rival other homeschoolers who are an all girls team. Our team is all boys except for me. Oh, plus only four other team members showed up, because Jordan and Wesley were in Hawaii and the Lewins didn't think to call Brenna (the alternate) until the night before the competition. (Dumbasses) Anyways. Errelivant to the story. We had all the books read, except for this one that we were only 50 pages into....
BUT ANYWAYS!!!!! We proceded to the final round it was us (Pedroz Commandoz) against the Chapter Chicks!!! *giggle giggle boys giggle* (The other team). And after two heated rounds, we triumphed!!!! BWAHAHAHAHAA!!!!! VICTORY!!!!!! HAPPY DANCE AND ALL THAT!!!! VICTORY IS OURS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *dance of happiness and triumph*


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