Thursday, April 13, 2006

Diamond Dogs

I am officially addicted to the song Diamond Dogs. It is just sooooo goood!!!!!!!! Exspecially *spelled incorrectly on purpose* if you have seen Moulin Rouge recently. It makes all the songs that much better. Anyways, I have a dentist appointment today, and I had to take the stupid pill that tastes okay, but is also kinda gross at the same time. Stupid heart murmer..... I eats it. Except for not because it would be really stupid to eat my own heart..... Ew. Unpleasent imagrey *spelled wrong not on purpose. I'm just a bad speller*.
You know what I hate? I hate when you work really hard on a fan fiction and then you realize it's a peice of crap that needs some major editing. I hate that. Exspecially when you thought it was awesome when you wrote it.


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