Saturday, April 01, 2006

Oh, woe to me. - Aunt Voula

I got some adorable shoes at Walmart *hiss* today. I hate Walmart, and I wouldn't normally go in there, but we had to get socks and I saw the shoes and was like "OMG I MUST HAVE THEM!!!!"
Okay, so they are shiny this color red flip-flops with kitten heels. I thought they were cute, but then mom said "Look at those kitten heels" And I was like "AAAH! KITTEN!!!! LIKE CILLIAN'S CHARICTOR IN BREAKFAST ON PLUTO!!! They must be mine!!!!"
So now I am broke because Mom wouldn't buy them for me, so I had to spend my $6 *gasp at my richness* on them.
PS, Leslie I watched "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" again because of that quote you had on your blog from it, so now I am quoting it all the tim.e =)


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