Tuesday, August 21, 2007

I love Paris in the rain

Sooo school starts in two days. =( That makes me kinda nastalgic... a little. Also, poopy-faces Caroline and Mom didn't fucking do what they said they'd do, so I am left to brood with no "300" to watch and no "Sweeny Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street" to listen to, which pisses me off to no end.
Plus its been just a kinda blah day, you know. I haven't done freaking anything today, and I was all alone, so it was boring all day.
So now I am left to myself to read some Dan Savage. I'm trying to soak up his awesome so I can write like how he talks. I fucking love Dan Savage. Actually, thats partly why I keep saying fuck, because he says fuck a lot. Plus I like the word fuck.
Also, I told my aunt about this blog (Hi Marice). Marice, please don't report to my mom about my terrible potty mouth. I swear, I never cursed around Eddie, or Michael for that matter.

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