Thursday, March 30, 2006

I'm baaack!

Yaiy! Computer is fixed! No more manual HTMLing!!! Anyways, I was just writing to tell everyone I have a new post name. It is now Mrs. Bloom-McGregor-Felton-Murphy!!! Twe!

Yet again, I have to steal to have a good post

Okay, I just thought something needed a little clearing up. My top five favorite scary movies is different from the top five scariest movies I have seen. Here is the list for the latter.

Top Five Scariest Movies I have seen

1. 28 Days Later
2. The Haunting (1963 version NOT THE REMAKE!!!)
3. The Ring
4. Sixth Sense and Signs (THEY HAVE TO TIE!!!!)
5. Secret Window

Also, my computer is going a little fritzy, so I'm having to resort to HTML speak manually. *kipsigh* If it hadn't been for my fan fiction submission (WHICH WAS SO HORRIBLY REJECTED OH HOW I HATES NATALIE) I wouldn't even know how to do simple HTLM codes.... Woe is me.
Also, the cast part was so much friggin' fun!!!! *twe* Someone special was there. Can you guess who it was?

Tuesday, March 28, 2006


Tonight is dancing!!!!

Top Five Favorite Dancing Movies

1. West Side Story (not really a movie about dancing, but it has the most awesome dances in it!!!)
2. Dirty Dancing: Havanah Nights
3. Strictly Ballroom
4. Save the Last Dance
5. Dirty Dancing

Monday, March 27, 2006


Okay, I am going to re-do my list of best Cillian movies.


1. Batman Begins (It really was love at first sight)
2. Breakfast on Pluto (GOLDEN GLOBES!!!!!)
3. Intermission
4. 28 Days Later
5. Red Eye

TOP FIVE CILLIAN MOVIES!!! (Per request of Leslie)

Okay okay okay okay okay okay!!!! LESLIE HAD THE MOST BRILLIAN IDEA EVER!!!! Here is the list of my five favorite Cillian movies. I have only seen three movies with him in it, however, so 2 of them are guesses.... But I won't tell you which ones!

TOP FIVE FAVORITE CILLIAN MURPHY MOVIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2. Red Eye
3. Intermission
4. 28 Days Later
5. Batman Begins


Leslie always has such awesome posts. Currently, she is making lists of her top five favorite movies in different genres. She has covered most of them, except scary movies, but she hasn't seen that many, so I will make a list for her! So here goes.

Top Five Favorite Scary Movies

1. The Haunting (1963 version. NOT the remake *wretch*)
2. The Sixth Sense
3. Signs
4. Secret Window
5. 28 Days Later

There. By the way, what does everyone think of the new layout?

Saturday, March 25, 2006


So, today, Bea and Caroline and I are going to go to a movie. Either "She's the Man" or "Stay Alive". I personally hope that we go to "Stay Alive" since that is the closest thing to "V for Vendetta" that everyone wanted to see. Not complaining, just saying.....
Also, last night we watched the Sixth Sense with Bea. It was so creepy OMG!!!!!!!!! I had forgotten how scary/awesome it was. AND I DIDN'T CRY THIS TIME YAIY!!!!!!!!! Bea and Caroline did, but that's understandable because Bea had never seen it before and Caroline was PMSing. JP JP JP JP!
But I digress. Suffice it to say that everyone needs to see that movie because it rocks the socks. MICHAEL THIS INCLUDES YOU!!!!!! Btw, Rachel, does Michael even read this blog? I don't think he does, so tell him he needs to see the movie. With me and you and Travis and Caroline and then we can have a sleepover and I can wear Travis' clothes!!!!! *w0Ot. Katie Ussery will be so jealous =P* So, basically I have nothing else to talk about, so I am just going to go now. Adios, por favor!


Sorry for the lack of posts, folks, but it's spring break so I have been gone to *da da da da* Branson! It was fun. We went to Silver Dollar City and Cirque, which was basically exactly like Cirque De Solet, except they couldn't use that name because then they would get in a lot of trouble with the courts and all that stuff, ya know...
So anyways, Cirque was awesome! There was this guy that I thought was a girl, but then I was like "Oh yeah, he doesn't have a shirt on...." So, of course he wasn't a girl.
And then when we got back, I had a sleepover with Kate and Alice and that was fun. And then the next day we went to the Tallmans and that was fun also, and now I am at Bea's house having another sleepover and it is fun also. We are going to watch the Sixth Sense because Bea has never seen it all the way through.
So that should be fun. And now I had better get off because they are probably going to yell at me for taking too long (I had to update my Xanga too before this). L' anyhoodle, I hope you all had a great spring break and have a great weekend!

Monday, March 13, 2006

Brothers on a Hotel Bed

I have decided that my posts aren't long enough. Leslie has good long posts about interesting things like movies and such. I however, have short, stupid posts about nothing in particular. So, basically, this is a warning that this may be an extremely long post with absolutally no point, but a bunch of unconnected storys about this past week.
On Sunday, I played hookey from church! It's the first time I've ever played hookey from ANYTHING, so it was very exciting. Mom and Caroline went home after Sunday school because they had stuff to do, so it was just me and Alice and Catherine. None of us are particularly religious and Catherine has a drivers licence and a car, so she drove us to her grandma's house (her grandma was at church) and we ate their food and played Dead Lady and Marco Polo in the backyard. I also taught Alice how to waltz.
Then, after church, I went to Alice's house, but it turned out to kind of be a bad idea because Kate got sick, it was stormy, and part of their massive "Christmas Tree" broke and took down their telephone line. So basically, Alice and I tried to play out in the clubhouse, but it was so flippin' cold, and the cows were going to murder us, so we went inside. We couldn't find Survivor, so we played on Neopets for a while, but then we got tired of that, so we decided to try to go out to the clubhouse again. But at that exact moment it started to pour outside. We went out anyway and then Alice had the brilliant idea of getting an umbrella. So I waited outside in the freezing, pouring rain, for the umbrella and just as Alice had climbed over the fence and put the umbrella over us, it stopped raining.
So then we did a facepalm and decided that the weather was against us, so we went inside to call my mom and ask her to take us to my house so we could play Tony Hawk. But then we remembered there was no phone line, so we went to her neighbor's house to ask to use his phone, but he wasn't home, so we just kept on walking up the road, and we were almost to the highway when we saw her dad's car. So then her dad took us back to their house and I called my mom, but she wouldn't come get me. And then Alice and I played on Neopets again. And then my parent's came and got me.
*stabs tv*
But Nigel posted something about it on his blog, so I was happy and I commented on it and said my name was "Caoimhe" pronounced "Kevah". Yeah. So that's basically my week so far! Hope you liked it. Oh! Btw, the play is tomorrow, but I'm staying at Rachel T's after it, so I will update about that sometime on Wednesday. Bye!

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Damn thistles!!!!

Rachel M came over today so we could practice doing each other's hair and make-up for the play. I had to teach Rachel how to do the make-up, but she didn't get it, so I'll have to do my own. It was kinda funny though, because the blush we used for me made my face look orange. It was funny/horrible looking.
I g2g eat dinner now though. Adios amigos y amigas!

Saturday, March 11, 2006


I totally OWNED Jared today in practice. He was having another one of his "lapses of memory" and I was, like, walking around the stage talking to people and stuff. It was hilarious. And then Rachel T came up onstage and was like "Hey, Maddie! What are you doing?" And I was like "Having a 'conversation' with Mortimer, here." And then Michael got after us a little bit.
But oh well.
Funfunfun. I'm going to be sad when Drama is over. :_(

Tuesday, March 07, 2006


Oscars rocked the socks. I want to see Brokeback Mountain and Transamerica and Crash and Capote (again). Woot and a half for contraversial movies!!!
Also, Donna wanted me to play Robin Hood in the Elementary play incase the Robin Hood was sick and I was like ".....NO...." It was kwazy. Full story later.
Also, I *heart* Emmerson (the college).