Thursday, March 30, 2006

Yet again, I have to steal to have a good post

Okay, I just thought something needed a little clearing up. My top five favorite scary movies is different from the top five scariest movies I have seen. Here is the list for the latter.

Top Five Scariest Movies I have seen

1. 28 Days Later
2. The Haunting (1963 version NOT THE REMAKE!!!)
3. The Ring
4. Sixth Sense and Signs (THEY HAVE TO TIE!!!!)
5. Secret Window

Also, my computer is going a little fritzy, so I'm having to resort to HTML speak manually. *kipsigh* If it hadn't been for my fan fiction submission (WHICH WAS SO HORRIBLY REJECTED OH HOW I HATES NATALIE) I wouldn't even know how to do simple HTLM codes.... Woe is me.
Also, the cast part was so much friggin' fun!!!! *twe* Someone special was there. Can you guess who it was?


Blogger Leslie Jo said...

Alright, my top five scariest movies are:
1. The Sixth Sense
2. Signs
3. Secret Window
4. Grease 2. (It was so bad it was scary....)
5. Ummmm... Secret Window again

9:54 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Bloom-McGregor-Felton-Murphy said...

Lolz. What about I Know What You Did Last Summer? That's another scary movie you've seen....


4:12 AM  

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