Saturday, March 25, 2006


So, today, Bea and Caroline and I are going to go to a movie. Either "She's the Man" or "Stay Alive". I personally hope that we go to "Stay Alive" since that is the closest thing to "V for Vendetta" that everyone wanted to see. Not complaining, just saying.....
Also, last night we watched the Sixth Sense with Bea. It was so creepy OMG!!!!!!!!! I had forgotten how scary/awesome it was. AND I DIDN'T CRY THIS TIME YAIY!!!!!!!!! Bea and Caroline did, but that's understandable because Bea had never seen it before and Caroline was PMSing. JP JP JP JP!
But I digress. Suffice it to say that everyone needs to see that movie because it rocks the socks. MICHAEL THIS INCLUDES YOU!!!!!! Btw, Rachel, does Michael even read this blog? I don't think he does, so tell him he needs to see the movie. With me and you and Travis and Caroline and then we can have a sleepover and I can wear Travis' clothes!!!!! *w0Ot. Katie Ussery will be so jealous =P* So, basically I have nothing else to talk about, so I am just going to go now. Adios, por favor!


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