Thursday, September 29, 2005

*Hillary Duff song*

Well, there isn't much to write about since I have only been up for and hour and 4 minutes. EXACTLY.
Rachel T and Rachel M and I picked the date for the sleepover, I think. Now we just have to figure out what time and whose house it will be at....
Anyways, we might go to park day today. I might post later about that if we actually end up going and anything interesting happens.
I'd better go update the the Passions Blog. You can look at it through the links off to the side over there ----->

Little Miss Goody-Two-Shoes

I'm the teacher's pet in hip-hop (maybe). I'm the only one who knows the dance.... Does that make me a teacher's pet/goody-two-shoes.....?

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

You have got to be kidding me

I am so bored out of my mind right now. I did two (yes, TWO) math lessons today, and watched Passions which was dumb because Ned/Noah and Fancy broke up, and now I am listening to Jacob on the radio, but he barely ever talks, mostly his partner talks.
So I just need to update my xanga, and then I think I will re-read some more of the 4th Harry Potter book. I'm trying to finnish it before the movie comes out so I can be refreshed on it and be able to get mad at the director for adding MORE stuff that wasn't in the book. The director is DEFFININITALLY a Harry/Hermione shipper. And I am DEFFINITALLY a Ron/Hermione shipper, as you might be able to tell from my previous posts. :P
So adios, all. Have a nice day.

Monday, September 26, 2005

My life is so horrible

Why won't Jordan and Woody, Ron and Hermione, and Ned/Noah and Fancy just get over themselves and SNOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????????????????????
Really, it is getting me quite pissed off.
The season permeir of Crossing Jordan was last night. CREEPY KID WAS BACK ON!! YAIY! I heart creepy kid. Woody (*gwaffle gwaffle name joke gwaffle*) was being a dingus head as usual.
Nigel did NOT get a haircut, but was wearing a wig. And Dr. Macy returned. :) :) :)
BAD STUFF: Las Vegas is going to be back on AGAIN DAMN IT! *cuss cuss*
So that is my life right now. G2G right now.

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Mock Trial

We had our first Mock Trial meeting on Thursday, and I forgot to write about it so here goes.
Megan is our leader (YAIY! MEGAN ROCKS!), Danielle, Kyle's mom, is our assistant, and Bea, since she can't be on the team cuz she's in High School, is the assistant assistant.
Our first meeting went really well. Bea and I are the only ones who have been in Mock Trial before, so we had to be split up *tear runs down face*.
Bea was getting really mad because Jack wasn't paying attention... so I'm kinda wary of our chances of winning because Matthew and Jordan weren't playing attention very well either.
I really hope Megan can whip them into shape! (By the way, Bea, am I spelling Megan's name right?)
So hopefully everything will be alright. I found out I'm going to be Direct Examining (DX) the police officer, so I think that means I'll have to enter evidence..... *shudder* And I am also doing the closing *knees knock together*
When we are defence I'll have to Cross Examine (CX) the friend witness and that will be oh so sweet! So wish me luck! I'm really not ALL that nervious about the evendence part, but the Closing sounds REALLY HARD. It'll be alright though. Megan wouldn't have given me the part if she didn't think I could do it! *weak smile*

Friday, September 23, 2005


Yaiy!!! My friend, who shall remain namless, asked her crush out to homecoming and.......
I'm so phyced even though I don't know her crush very well I'm like HDSPIUHWEIOUBQPIB!!!!! YAIY!
So....... that is good. Also, Ned/Noah and Fancy are being dumbasses.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Mrs. Bloom-McGregor-Felton-MURPHY!

Yes yes yes.
Name extention.
We saw Batman Begins and there was the HOTTEST GUY EVER IN IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! His name is Cillian (pronounced Killian) Murphy. He played the bad guy "Scarecrow".
Very freaky, but OH SO HOTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thus the name extention. :) :) :) :P
Must try to concentrate on math and not hott actors now...

Friday, September 16, 2005

I know we coo'

So... not really a lot to write about. We are having Bea over today basically for Caroline's birthday party because Caroline doesn't want a big huge party.
We listened to Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince again last night to get to sleep. MY GAWD WHY WON'T RON AND HERMIONE JUST SNOGG ALREADY???!!!!
Very... not.... funky... in.. that.... area.... of... the.... book....
Also I need Kate to teach me how to get a user picture. *bows down to Kate the blogging GENIOUS* Bea, if I spelled that wrong do not correct me. And don't tell me if I did spell it wrong.
Passions today. In an hour. How sweet is that?

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Bagels. Rock.

To make up for my lack of posts this and last week, I will write one more! Yes, yes, I know you are all excited *crickets chirp*.
Well, turns out, on Passions, Theresa spills the beans tomorrow, so that kinda sucked. However, the always exciting Ned/Noah and Fancy story line was, as always, exciting. (What else could it be? It's Ned/Noah and Fancy!)
So, I am thinking of making a Passions website, prossibly with Bea. So who's with me??? Bea, that means you. Comment. Or call me. *Prod*

"Shimmy down girl!"-Bea

I have decided to use proper captialization on my blog because just plain typing is too unsofisticated (spelled wrong on purpose *wink*).
So... I might be helping teach a little kid's tap class!!!!!!!!! YESSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mr. Jay hasn't gotten back to me on whether I can or not, so I don't know for sure, but I'm crossing my fingers.
Also, Bea, I thought of a better scary movie idea than the Burnham's Lullabye one.
Call me, and I will tell you about it.
Also I CANNOT WAIT FOR PASSIONS TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Theresa is going to spill the beans on Gwen to Ethan, and I think Ethan is going to believe her because there is no way they could improve the story line without him believing her.
A cow just mooed really loudly and it scared me. *Animae face and thumbs up*

Thursday, September 08, 2005


if you are a spammer, and you just make your computer send out comments saying "hey, i love your blog! you should come read my blog!" without even reading my blog, do all of us bloggers a favor, and GO AWAY! ESPECIALLY if you blog is about SEX. (read the comments under "nincompoop" and you will see what i mean).
ok. i know i said blog a lot there, but i had to get that out. *sigh*
but please, DO just go away.


guess what yall??? i'm taking TWO extra dance classes! ballet/lyrical and hip-hop, as well as tap and jazz.
omigosh it is so fun!

Tuesday, September 06, 2005


my computer is such a peice of garbage. i hate it so much. luckily we are going to move up the basement computer! YAIY!
also i want to thank all the people that like my blog. you're comments are so nice. they make my day. and so does dancing. WHICH IS TONIGHT!!!! YAIY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, September 05, 2005


i am SO TIRED. we spent the night at bea's house with kate and alice and watched most of harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban and all of raise your voice (TOTALLY JUST TO MAKE FUN OF HILLARY DUFF).
it was hilarious. and we stayed up till 3:15 and i am paying for it now.
i have to take a shower folks. have a happy memorial day.

Saturday, September 03, 2005

kid: I LOVE TOSTINOS! maddie: *stabs*

i got stung by a bee while mowing today. man it hurt like s***.now i'm going to have a huge red welt on the top of my head for the barn dance! which.... certain people... are going to.
a mel brooks movie is on now. i think i'll watch that.
ooh. i just realized. it's going to hurt REALLY BAD when i wash my hair.

Friday, September 02, 2005


someone commented on my last entry and this is what they said.

I stopped in at your blog today and I was wondering if you could help spread the word?It's about Hurricane Katrina. Katrina hit the southern United States this week. One million people lost their homes, their jobs, and a few lost their lives.I was reading today and surfing around looking for more information on news that I just received about Green Day, Alicia Keys, Dave Matthews and Usher have signed on (with other recording artists) for a Hurricane Katrina relief concert.The concert will air live on MTV, VH1 and CMT; proceeds go to the Red Cross.Anyway, if you're interested in music files you might like this site for mp3 music, it's one of my favorites...

so here i am spreading the word. and maybe, if "music" ( the person that wrote this comment) stops by again, could he/she tell us other things we could do to help???

swim meet

caroline had a swim meet. she did really well. i got to see max.... which was good......*wink* also, dad drove home WITHOUT HIS GLASSES IN THE DARK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
how freaky is that?

Thursday, September 01, 2005


bea had a bat in her house last night. how freaky is that?????? you can look at her blog there.