Thursday, September 15, 2005

"Shimmy down girl!"-Bea

I have decided to use proper captialization on my blog because just plain typing is too unsofisticated (spelled wrong on purpose *wink*).
So... I might be helping teach a little kid's tap class!!!!!!!!! YESSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mr. Jay hasn't gotten back to me on whether I can or not, so I don't know for sure, but I'm crossing my fingers.
Also, Bea, I thought of a better scary movie idea than the Burnham's Lullabye one.
Call me, and I will tell you about it.
Also I CANNOT WAIT FOR PASSIONS TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Theresa is going to spill the beans on Gwen to Ethan, and I think Ethan is going to believe her because there is no way they could improve the story line without him believing her.
A cow just mooed really loudly and it scared me. *Animae face and thumbs up*


Blogger Mrs. Bloom-McGregor-Felton-Murphy said...

bea, you are the only one that reads this blog.

5:57 AM  

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