Tuesday, May 30, 2006

I feel a rant coming on....

It's my parent's anniversary today! Hearts for them. I have no idea how long they've been married though... 20 years? Maybe? God, they're old....
But other than that, not much to write about, since I just woke up. Stayed up till 1:30 reading fan fiction on Mugglenet. Yaiy Harriet Evans!!!!! One of my favorite authors now.

I also read Mugglenet and Leaky Cauldron's interview of JK Rowling, that got me REALLY worked up because she couldn't answer a lot of the simple questions for fear of giving something in the 7th book away, so like, Dumbledoor's past is going to be REALLY important or something.

But she did give SOMETHING away... RON + HERMIONE = HEARTS FOREVER!!!!! But she didn't say when it was going to happen, so I am mad. Probably the end of the book if neither is going to die, but towards the start or middle if one of them is, in which case I will cry so much and have to write in here that JK Rowling is a [cencored]. Mmmmkk? Mmmmkk.

Oh, and I also read the Mugglenet "Humorless Harry/Hermione Shippers Wall of Shame" which made me laugh SOOOO HARD!!!!!!! One of my favorites has to be

DFlataphilia: She [JKR] is no genius afterall - what you see is what you get. Too bad that Harmonians [Harry/Hermione shippers] do seem to be more intelligent, thoughtful, and brilliant than she is, which is probably why she's been treating us the way she has lately. Truth hurts!

No, stupidity hurts. I cracked a rib laughing so hard.

So did I, Emmerson, so did I.
I also LOVE the one where someone says that the Ron/Hermione and Harry/Hermione shipping war is like the slaves being oppressed, saying the Ron/Hermione shippers are the slave owners and the Harry/Hermione shippers are the slaves, and Emmerson TOTALLY MURDERS that theory and at the end he says
"So... how much does a healthy H/Hr fan with good teeth go for these days?"

I laughed SO HARD for SO LONG about that... Delusional H/Hr shippers... ya gotta luv 'em! Always good for a laugh, they are. =)


Hey everybody! I'm really happy because I got lots of songs off of iTunes today. Lots of songs from Ragtime, but they didn't have any from Newsies! What's up with that??? Stupid heads. But it's also sad because I'm almost done with my really, REALLY long fan fiction. Just a few more chapters and it'll be done. I'm not going to try to submit it to Mugglenet though, because it's too... not... Mugglenet-y.Also, CAROLINE DOESN'T LIKE BREAKFAST ON PLUTO!!!!!!! So she is stupid. Sooooo stupid. It's awesome. Except all the stupid people who are mean to Cillian. They aren't awesome.

Friday, May 26, 2006


Today is Cillian's 30th birthday!!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY CILLIAN!!!! Have an awesome one. I love you!!!!!!

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

King Kong pownz!

bought King Kong today!!! It was on sale at Borders for *gasp* 22 buxxz. Very happy about that. Also, the Ron/Hermione shipping has begun unnexpectedly early. I guess Ron started to like her in their second year. Oh how adorable!!!! Also, it was 1992 when they were in their second year! Because Nearly Headless Nick invites Harry, Ron and Hermione to his 500th Deathday party and he died in 1492. So that's interesting. If you're me. PS I went to the doctor today for my high school check up and I didn't have to get a shot!! YAIY!

Monday, May 22, 2006

It smells in here good.

Murder party was this friday. I think everyone had fun, even though it was SOOO HARD TO PLAY OMG. I know Ali and Catherine and I liked it at least... And Ashley. The movie we watched was WEIRD though... Seriously... At the end this lady frenched this dead little boy. We were pretty freaked. I got lots of good stuff. Lots of money. I bought Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire on DVD with some of my money, so that I can watch the R/Hr shipping parts!!!!!!!!!!!! HAPPINESS!!!!!Alice and I started painting the clubhouse!!!! It's so awesome. We also moved the OTHER clubhouse out with the help of her dad, Terry, who said the FUNNIEST THING IN THE WHOLE WORLD OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's the subject thing of this post. Also, I'm re-reading the Harry Potter series, so I can write down all the R/Hr parts and guess what's going to happen in the last book.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

"Go ahead and play Harry butthole-pussy Potter!" -Cartman

Good dance recitals. I *heart* The Sound of White. It was so wondercrump.
Oh and...RON AND HERMIONE ARE THE BEST SHIP EVER!!!! And for some reason I have this huge obsession with Gryffendoor all of the sudden, when I'm normally like "OMG I *heart* RAVENCLAW OMG!!!!"
The Murder Party is this friday. It sounds like SOOO MUCH FUN OMG!!!
Plus, Rachel and I also went to Shaffers and tried on all these prom dresses for fun. IT WAS SO COOL AND THE DRESSES WERE SO BEAUTIFUL!!! I would post the pictures on here, but that would be illegal so.... no. Sorry.

Friday, May 12, 2006


I have a sinus infection. And a terrible cough. And my eyes are all bloodshot. But my birthday is on Sunday. And my dance recitals are on Saturday and Sunday. And my fan fiction is moving smoothly (getting ready for the final battle, mwahahahaha). Plus there is a Celtic festival on Saturday... yessssss.....Oh, and I got the Maple Leaf Rag by Scott Joplin. It is so cool and it sounds like it's going to be lots of fun to play, so that should rock the socks.
Plus I'm reading The DaVinci Code, getting ready for the movie. WHICH RALPH FIENNES TOTALLY SHOULD HAVE STARRED IN OMG I HATE TOM HANKS FOREVER!!!!

Monday, May 08, 2006

"Oh, I do belive I have a small elfin dwelling on Wimbledon Common." - Kitten

FINALLY SAW BREAKFAST ON PLUTO!!!!!!!!!!!! IT WAS SO GOOD AND CILLIAN DID SUCH AN AWESOME JOB AND I AM GOING TO BUY IT AS SOON AS I GET SOME MONEY FROM MY MOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It wasn't at all what I expected. The reviews I read were totally not correct at all. But ih well. That doesn't matter. What matters is that Cillian was awesome. And he does the commentary. Yesss......

Wednesday, May 03, 2006


I picked out the murder party game! It's called "Murder at Mardi Gras". It sounds like a lot of fun. Of course it does, it's a murder party. Duh, Maddie. *smacks self in head*
I gave Ashley Martin her invitation yesterday. I hope she can come.... Kate said she would. *hyproventalates* MUST HAVE PERFECT PARTY AND MAKE EVERYONE HAPPY!!!!!!
Tonight is dancing!!! *hops around happily*
Kate and Alice won't be coming over though because Caroline is also leaving for Colorado today for her chior thing. Yaiy! I have the bedroom all to myself now!! For four days.... but still....

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Murder!... at midnight..

I'm going to Games by James today to look at murder party kits for my birthday!!!! Should be awesome bjoshum!!! Eh?

Monday, May 01, 2006


have this Bjork song stuck in my head. OMG SO GOOD, BUT GETTING KINDA OLD!!!!!!
In other news, Caroline has bronchitis and an ear infection and Martha has pink eye. And I have a headache. And writer's block. I kinda dug myself into a hole in part of my R/Hr fan fiction.... easily fixed though, I guess. I heart fan fiction.
I got a 1 on my piano peices at festival, so that means I get a nine-year trophy!!! How much fun is that? Lots, I would say. Had a sleepover with Kate and Alice on Saturday. Then, after church I went to their house again and Alice and I added onto our dance that we are going to take to Olympic Ice Skating tryouts. I have a bad feeling I might get stabbed in the face with her skates though once we begin performing it on the ice. Maybe we should learn how to skate first.... That's not a half bad idee.
The sewar/creek was overflowing it's banks yesterday. Alice and I were going to ask Debbie if we could float the Ham down it, but considering Debbie doesn't even know we tried to float her good Rubbermaid and Alice down a drainage swear once already, it might not be a good time to ask her if we could do it again.
I don't know if I talked about West Side Story at Indianola High School yet, but I will again, just incase. OMG MARK WAS SO BAD AS TONY!!! I almost cried at almost all the songs he sang because I was thinking of how terrible he was and then I would think about how awesome the movie is and how it's 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 times better than him, and then I would cry because the movie is just so wonderful and the Tony in the movie has such a wonderful, beautiful, magnificent voice!!!!Now Martha wants to see the movie, and I'm going to let her so she can see what real singing sounds like. Like she doesn't know already. *pfft*
I heart West Side Story. And I heart Cillian Murphy. SO MUCH!!!!
PS I think I'm going to change my blog URL, because this one is so stupid. I'm probably going to change it to maddiesworld.blogspot.com or mrsbloommcgregorfeltonmurphy.blogspot.com
Which one do you like?