Monday, May 22, 2006

It smells in here good.

Murder party was this friday. I think everyone had fun, even though it was SOOO HARD TO PLAY OMG. I know Ali and Catherine and I liked it at least... And Ashley. The movie we watched was WEIRD though... Seriously... At the end this lady frenched this dead little boy. We were pretty freaked. I got lots of good stuff. Lots of money. I bought Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire on DVD with some of my money, so that I can watch the R/Hr shipping parts!!!!!!!!!!!! HAPPINESS!!!!!Alice and I started painting the clubhouse!!!! It's so awesome. We also moved the OTHER clubhouse out with the help of her dad, Terry, who said the FUNNIEST THING IN THE WHOLE WORLD OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's the subject thing of this post. Also, I'm re-reading the Harry Potter series, so I can write down all the R/Hr parts and guess what's going to happen in the last book.


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