Tuesday, May 30, 2006

I feel a rant coming on....

It's my parent's anniversary today! Hearts for them. I have no idea how long they've been married though... 20 years? Maybe? God, they're old....
But other than that, not much to write about, since I just woke up. Stayed up till 1:30 reading fan fiction on Mugglenet. Yaiy Harriet Evans!!!!! One of my favorite authors now.

I also read Mugglenet and Leaky Cauldron's interview of JK Rowling, that got me REALLY worked up because she couldn't answer a lot of the simple questions for fear of giving something in the 7th book away, so like, Dumbledoor's past is going to be REALLY important or something.

But she did give SOMETHING away... RON + HERMIONE = HEARTS FOREVER!!!!! But she didn't say when it was going to happen, so I am mad. Probably the end of the book if neither is going to die, but towards the start or middle if one of them is, in which case I will cry so much and have to write in here that JK Rowling is a [cencored]. Mmmmkk? Mmmmkk.

Oh, and I also read the Mugglenet "Humorless Harry/Hermione Shippers Wall of Shame" which made me laugh SOOOO HARD!!!!!!! One of my favorites has to be

DFlataphilia: She [JKR] is no genius afterall - what you see is what you get. Too bad that Harmonians [Harry/Hermione shippers] do seem to be more intelligent, thoughtful, and brilliant than she is, which is probably why she's been treating us the way she has lately. Truth hurts!

No, stupidity hurts. I cracked a rib laughing so hard.

So did I, Emmerson, so did I.
I also LOVE the one where someone says that the Ron/Hermione and Harry/Hermione shipping war is like the slaves being oppressed, saying the Ron/Hermione shippers are the slave owners and the Harry/Hermione shippers are the slaves, and Emmerson TOTALLY MURDERS that theory and at the end he says
"So... how much does a healthy H/Hr fan with good teeth go for these days?"

I laughed SO HARD for SO LONG about that... Delusional H/Hr shippers... ya gotta luv 'em! Always good for a laugh, they are. =)


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