Monday, September 04, 2006

And Mr. Darcy is my soulmate

Alas, the three day weekend is drawing to a close and I am left to my last few hours of fan fiction before I must away to the terrible pits of learning about "important things". But really, that was entierly too poetic for me. And school isn't that bad. In fact, I kinda think it's okay, except for how long it takes. That part kinda sucks. But I did get into show choir, so that should be fun. Yes, Rachel, I will be doing all the moves all the time too =P.
So yeah, it's going to be tiring, but not nearly as bad as it is for poor Sarah Wickett... she has swimming, show choir and band, not to mention homework... Tears for her. =(
But on to more intersting topics; mainly, my future career. Now, everyone should know by now that I want to be a director/writer/dancer. One of my first projects was going to be adapting one of my favorite books Stormbreaker into a movie. Unfortunately, the author decided to beat me to it, and they made the movie. That's okay, I can make a remake.
BUT! This is the thing. I read the script over the weekend, and mine would have been SOOO MUCH BETTER! Better than the author of the books! His got off the book so much, it was frightening. So now I'm kinda pissy about that, because, MY GOD! I WAS GOING TO DO THE BOOK JUSTICE!! UGG! What is wrong with the world these days? *sigh* Oh well. At least they aren't making Sabriel...


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