Tuesday, July 11, 2006

"Fat ass." - Charlie Kaufman Adaptation.

So, Leslie came on Wednesday and we watched her and my dance videos and went to eat at La Hacienda. It was awesome. Then we watched Dirty Dancing: Havanah Nights and The Haunting and stayed up to around two something. Idk, it was late.
Then, on Thursday we woke up really late and went to get tickets to the midnight showing of Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest. Then we went to my grandparent's house so I could get my aunt's old prom dress for my Tortuga whore outfit.
Yes. Her prom dress.
Then we also went to Tae Kwondo so that Leslie could see Mr. Hotter. He was very spicy. We also got Adaptation. at the library. When we got home, Leslie and I watched part of Adaptation. and got ready to go. I ended up not wearing the prom dress, but a more pirate-y outfit that matched Leslie's better. We got to the theatre two hours early. It ended up that the Bitch was there (the one that's friends with Holly) and Leslie and I were the only ones that dressed up, which was bullcrap because you're supposed to do at midnight showings.
Leslie and I were at the front of the line too, so basically, we were labeled the dorks, kinda. Also, the Bitch talked to my dad, and was an idiot. Dead Man's Chest was okay..., but the first was better. I still give it 4 stars. It was 3:00 am when we all got home, and Leslie and finished Adaptation. Then next day we went to the pool, watched 28 Days Later (against my better judgement) and Dogma. Plus we stayed up all night. Then on Saturday, we took her to Lincon, Nebraska and had lunch with her, Wade and her great-grandma, Donna. I slept all the way back. On Sunday, I also filmed two and a half scenes from Robinson's Wharf. We barely completed them within the time limit. But it was fun.
PS I copied the intire "Mrs. Darcy" scene from the end of Pride & Prejudice.


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