Sunday, February 26, 2006

That reminds me of a boyfriend I had. His name was Colby Brown. He had a turtle....

LOLZ LOLZ LOLZ MAJOR INSIDE JOKEAGE!!!! LOLZ LOLZ LOLZ! I will post the story later that explains it all.

Friday, February 24, 2006


At drama this wednesday, Joanne was yelling at Jared because he doesn't have his lines memorized.
It was the most hilarious thing I have EVER heard. Partly because I always thought of Joanne as a really composed person and partly because I really hate Jared.
Why? Okay, I'll give you the list.

1) He won't get near any of the girls because they are girls. *facepalm* Could we get just a BIT more Medievel? (I know I spelled that wrong. Don't bite my head off.)
2) He doesn't have his lines memorized. There are three weeks till the performance. THREE WEEKS!!!!!
3) He has boxers ears. This one is pretty self explanitory.
4) He slurrs his words together. Now, this is one of my biggest pet peeves. Here, I will give you an example of one of his lines and the way he says it. "*Monotone* Ahamaidcomehere *a bit higher* mythirst *lower* grows *monotone* apace."

Those are just a few of the things that bug me. But here is an example of the whole part we had to endure.
Jared(As Mortimer): Curseswhat....
Joanne: What a nigh-
Jared(as Jared): Okay! (Mortimer)Curseswhatanight *Looks at Jonathan (the charictor)* Notasoulinsight. (Jared)Wait. I don't get this line.
Joanne: It's like you're trying to get his attention.
Maddie: It's a joke, Jared. *facepalm*
Rachel: *to me*I KNOW!!
Jared: Okay.(Mortimer) Notasoulinsightwhereiseverybody
Joanne: Jared, you have no inflection. Well, it would help if you knew your lines, of course....
Jared: (Jared)Okay. *long pause* Um....
Joanne: *facepalm*
Rachel: *facepalm*
Maddie: *facepalm* Your line is: Have a care how you speak to me, girl.
Maddie: A care-
Jared:(Jared) Okay!!(Mortimer) Haveacarehowyouspeaktomegirl
Joanne: And you are standing close to her. In her face.
Rachel: Like this! *gets up in my face* Have a CARE how you speak to me, girl!
Maddie: *wipes spit off face*
Jared: (Jared)Ew...girl....
Joanne: *facepalm*
Rachel: *facepalm*
Maddie: *facepalm*
Other Rachel: *scared face* But I don't want him in my face....

And thats just a little snippit. It continued like that for about twenty minutes, Joanne getting more frusterated all the while. When Rachel and I would look back at her she would give us looks like "WTF is he doing here???" Finally she stopped him and was like "You know what? I cannot take this anymore. Just get off." And she skipped, like, seven pages. It was classic.

BTW, I hope you liked this post because it took me half an hour to write and edit. No joke.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006


Rachel T and I are going to go on a trip to Deadwood SD the summer after I graduate!!! Yaiy! It's going to be so much fun!
I'll go make the list of stuff to bring right now!!! (I am totally not joking. I CAN'T WAIT 5 YEARS!!!!!)

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Oh.My.God. Becky, look at her butt...

BWAHAHA!!! I put my fan fiction on the cue at Mugglenet!!! It shouldn't be too long before it's on the site!!! Haha. "Thoughts" kicks ass.
Mmmhmm I said it.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Happy V-day!

Happy Valentine's Day everybuddy!!! Have you a valentine to celebrate with? I have 12!!! Bwahahaha!!! Crushes on movie stars rock my socks!!

Monday, February 06, 2006


Our neighbor across the street's house burned down on Saturday! It was so scary. Dad was driving me, Caroline and Martha home from a party at about 10:30ish and we were just going over the hill closest to our house and where our neighbor's house was/is when it got all smoky. Caroline and Dad thought it was a truck making the gravel go all dusty. I was afraid it was a anhydrous amonia leak because our neighbor is a farmer. But when we got through it we saw our neighbor's kids Kaylie, Jasper and their friend Seth standing by the side of the road. Dad rolled down his window and Kaylie said "Our house is on fire!" So Dad called 911 and waited at their house while Caroline drove the rest of us home.
Kaylie called her parents Marty and Denisewho were gone partying while the fire went on and then told us what happened. She said that Abby was at a friend's house, so everyone was out okay. And then she told us that she had woken up to Jasper and Seth shouting "The house is on fire!" From outside her window. She looked into Abby's room and saw that is was filled with smoke and fire, so she jumped out the window and they had just gotten to the road when Dad came through the smoke.
When the firemen came they said it was a total loss but they tried to put it out anyway.
Denise got there and she was absoulutally HOWLING. It was the scariest thing I have ever heard. But she pulled herself together for the kids and then Mullet Woman came over and butted in and took them to her house and Denise followed and said she would go down to the firemen later.
Marty came up, like, a minute later and asked where Denise was so we sent him to Mullet Woman's house. And the house continued burning till 6am the next morning. :( Very sad. Very sad.

Thursday, February 02, 2006


Okay, I am trying to have really long posts on all my little internet journal things because I rarely have long posts. But on here it might not be so long because I've pretty much used up all my ideas on my livejournal and xanga. SOooo...
I like bread. No, wait, I LOVE bread. Bread is yummy, especially garlic bread. I also love garlic. And cheese. Cheese is so wonderful. Especially on salad.
Okay. The end of that. Well, this post isn't as long as I hoped it would be, but now I really want to check the mugglenet fanfiction site!!! So adios all!!


Oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah! Kim and Joanne heart me so much more than they heart Rachel W. I know because today at Drama; first the leads did the 3rd act, and Rachel W was REALLY REALLY bad. You couldn't understand her or hear her and her acting was just bad too. But so then, the UNDERSTUDIES got to do act 3 and I was SOOO much better than Rachel, it wasn't even funny. Okay, it was, but the point is you could HEAR me and UNDERSTAND me and I was ACTING and everything.
So everything was awesome but at the part where I'm supposed to be exiting, in the script it says to say an aside THEN leave, but Kim said "Oh Maddie, we want you to leave AS you're saying the aside. You're doing a great job by the way." I was like "YEEEEESSS!!!!!!" Because they didn't say that to Rachel W. Mmm-mmm girl frieeend!!! *Z snap* So I rock the socks of everyone. The end.