Friday, February 24, 2006


At drama this wednesday, Joanne was yelling at Jared because he doesn't have his lines memorized.
It was the most hilarious thing I have EVER heard. Partly because I always thought of Joanne as a really composed person and partly because I really hate Jared.
Why? Okay, I'll give you the list.

1) He won't get near any of the girls because they are girls. *facepalm* Could we get just a BIT more Medievel? (I know I spelled that wrong. Don't bite my head off.)
2) He doesn't have his lines memorized. There are three weeks till the performance. THREE WEEKS!!!!!
3) He has boxers ears. This one is pretty self explanitory.
4) He slurrs his words together. Now, this is one of my biggest pet peeves. Here, I will give you an example of one of his lines and the way he says it. "*Monotone* Ahamaidcomehere *a bit higher* mythirst *lower* grows *monotone* apace."

Those are just a few of the things that bug me. But here is an example of the whole part we had to endure.
Jared(As Mortimer): Curseswhat....
Joanne: What a nigh-
Jared(as Jared): Okay! (Mortimer)Curseswhatanight *Looks at Jonathan (the charictor)* Notasoulinsight. (Jared)Wait. I don't get this line.
Joanne: It's like you're trying to get his attention.
Maddie: It's a joke, Jared. *facepalm*
Rachel: *to me*I KNOW!!
Jared: Okay.(Mortimer) Notasoulinsightwhereiseverybody
Joanne: Jared, you have no inflection. Well, it would help if you knew your lines, of course....
Jared: (Jared)Okay. *long pause* Um....
Joanne: *facepalm*
Rachel: *facepalm*
Maddie: *facepalm* Your line is: Have a care how you speak to me, girl.
Maddie: A care-
Jared:(Jared) Okay!!(Mortimer) Haveacarehowyouspeaktomegirl
Joanne: And you are standing close to her. In her face.
Rachel: Like this! *gets up in my face* Have a CARE how you speak to me, girl!
Maddie: *wipes spit off face*
Jared: (Jared)Ew...girl....
Joanne: *facepalm*
Rachel: *facepalm*
Maddie: *facepalm*
Other Rachel: *scared face* But I don't want him in my face....

And thats just a little snippit. It continued like that for about twenty minutes, Joanne getting more frusterated all the while. When Rachel and I would look back at her she would give us looks like "WTF is he doing here???" Finally she stopped him and was like "You know what? I cannot take this anymore. Just get off." And she skipped, like, seven pages. It was classic.

BTW, I hope you liked this post because it took me half an hour to write and edit. No joke.


Blogger Mrs. Bloom-McGregor-Felton-Murphy said...

I fixed it! It's fine now! Lolz.


12:25 AM  

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