Tuesday, January 31, 2006

RINGWRAITH: Have yu da wing?

We got the WUPPY!!!!!!!!! Her name is Maebh (prounounced May-eve) which is Irish. She is very sweet and everything. And the cage/biting/potty training isn't as bad as I thought it would be.... So thats okay. I need to practice my lines now though, so I will probably update later.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006


SO MUCH GOOD STUFF GOING ON THIS WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Li'l Alus' play was very good. She was the best one there. GO LI'L ALUS!!!!!!
Also, POLLACK IS GONE ON CROSSING JORDAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOODY AND JORDAN FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *does happy dance* I AM SOO HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
AND THE PUPPY IS COMING VERY SOON!!!!!!!!! YAIY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND DRAMA PRACTICE IS TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ROCK ON Y'ALLS!!! BESTIST WEEK EVER!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, January 23, 2006


Li'l Alus' play is tonight. Alus doesn't have her lines memorized. *facepalm* I hope Robinson's Wharf isn't like this!!!

Sunday, January 22, 2006

*travis dance*

The dumb computer won't let me have a profile picture on here!!! *&^$*#^&^*$&^*(*&(Y*($^#%$^#%$#$#$(%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Pain to the computer.
I watched "Save the Last Dance" at Grandma and Grandpa's house last night. It was okay. I like Dirty Dancing: Havanah Nights much better, even though they had, like, the same exact basic plotline.
Line memorizing is going okay.... I don't really know the third act lines, but i still have four more days, and I memorize fast, so everything should be okay with that. Well, now I think I am going to go see if they updatead the Ron/Hermione fan fiction site. I know, I'm a looser.

Thursday, January 19, 2006


*sobs uncontrolably*

Saturday, January 14, 2006


Everyone is always so mean to my baby Cillian. I watched Red Eye, which was kind of a mistake because I was all phreaked out at the end.
It was fun at Rachel T's house. We watched the Italian Job with Michael and Johnathan and we started to watch Dark Water, but it was REALLY BORING so we stopped watching it. It was actually putting me to sleep, it was that boring.

Friday, January 13, 2006


We had our first PALS practice on Wednesday. I totally kicked Rachel Walter's butt. She rushed all her lines and was all monotone, etc, etc.
But even if there is no understudy play, Brenna, Rachel T, Rachel M, Macee and I are going to have a BLAST this year. Never a dull moment, I tellz yah!

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Joie Groin-ert

I had my first "Gifted and Talented" Forensic Science class today. It was pretty fun. You'll never guess who is in it with me. JOEL FROM HOME INSTRUCTION. Yeah, Rachel, I know. Anyways, we will be alternating teachers every week (?) so.... yeah. I can't remember the first teacher's name.... 0_O
So kwazy.

Friday, January 06, 2006

Musceley Asian Men With Tatoos 0_o

We got our scripts for the PALS play. I highlighted my lines in the wrong color apparently.... *facepalm*
On a nicer note, my Forensic Science class starts tomorrow!!!! YAIY!!!!!!!!! Happiness. I gotta go fix my lines now. *Grumble grumble grumble*

Tuesday, January 03, 2006


Supernatural is on tonight!!! YAIY!!!!! Can't wait. But no dancing. That starts tomorrow.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

"Eric! I'm glad you called me, very much."-Jimmy

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! I was watching Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring and talking to my friend Leslie when the new year came. Very fun. I wanted to be reading In Cold Blood, but it had already turned to 12:00.
And there's going to be a Crossing Jordan tonight! I have no idea if it's new or not, but oh well. At least it's Crossing Jordan.
We went to say goodbye to the Millunzi's at Grandma's house today. They went back to Maryland at, like, 1:00 or something.
Caroline is totally addicted to the movie "Dirty Dancing: Havanah Nights". She's watched it, like, six times in forty-eight hours. I'm not even kidding. I saw it for the first time today because Caroline kept pestering me about it.
Anyways, hope you guys had a good first day of 2006!