Tuesday, August 30, 2005

that's what i'm talkin' about!

OMG THANK YOU "JACK" FOR COMMENTING!!!! that was so nice of you! also, please take after jack and
1. write comments
2. have them make sence, unlike the one about mini-biking.

xangas, livejournals, and blogs

i got a new xanga, because my old one was sucky and boring and everyone hated it, especially me.
i am, however, NOT going to change my livejournal or blog name any time soon because;
1. i have WAY to many things to keep up with as it is
2. i, for once, got user names i actually like.
yaiy for me!
now on another note....
DANCING STARTS TOMORROW!!!!!!!!! *does happy tomahawk dance with prayer flags around kate in church parking lot, singing the traveling song*

Saturday, August 27, 2005

4-h... why???

ok, i have just about had it with 4-h. i'm sorry, the meetings are too long and NOBODY does anything, like a program afterwards!
i am just thinking i should do something, even though i already did a dancing presentation. but what should i do???
maybe kyle and i could do something together, but i don't know what....
anyways, i've gotta go.

Friday, August 26, 2005


oo i almost forgot.
KYAKING WAS GREAT!!!!!! i know i didn't spell that right but i don't care.
nobody tipped, but matthew almost did getting in one time. it was really funny. ahh.......
and then jacob matthew and eva MADE me dunk my head in the lake when we were done, so i smelled like lake when we went to godfather's afterwards!
also, i have been going through my blog looking for comments. THERE ARE LIKE, 12 COMMENTS!!
seriuosly, what up with that? c'mon people, POST ALREADY!!!
whoa. i just stole 2 lines from harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban in 15 minutes in ONE POST.

"chewing gum is really gross, chewing gum i hate the most."-willy wonka

did you ever think that "charlie and the chocolate factory" should be called "willy wonka's chocolate factory" or something?? i always did.
for a while i thought that willy wonka's name was charlie......
i don't know. it's confusing for me. *drool*
anyways, onto another subject.
heyeh heyeh.
passions has been VERY GOOD. (nbc 2pm weekdays if you live in ireland *wink*).
TUNE IN TUNE IN TUNE IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! plzkSPANKS.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005


today is the kyaking lesson i didn't want to be signed up for, but still got signed up for. so i am just going to watch. i don't get it, mom was like "do you want to take kyaking lessons??" and i was like, "i'm only TERRIFIED of water, fish (ESPECIALLY sharks) and drowning because my foot gets cought on something underwater. also, i am semi-clostraphobic. so no, i don't think i'll go."
she signed me up.
also today is caroline's first day of school.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005


dancing starts next tuesday.
i'm so excited!!!! i have sexy taps now. *wink*
okeee, g2g to the payshonz website now.....

Thursday, August 18, 2005

the state fair

we went to the state fair yesterday. it was really fun. i went down the giant slide (2.50 down the tube), got a footlong corndog (5.50) and a drink (2.00).
we went into the varried industries building and got a democratic tattoo at the democratic booth and an iowa state tatoo and sent some e-cards from the iowa state booth.
we also saw the art building, food building, and agricultural building and everything in them. we also saw a bunch of other stuff that i can't write.
we got some dip 'n' dots (4.00) and a strawberry smoothie (4.00) and some pizza (actually i don't know how much that was) and some deep-fried oreos (don't know how much that was either). and thats only what i got. my parents and two sister also got stuff, so all in all, we spent at LEAST $150.
but it was so worth it.
after all, the fair only comes once a year. might as well make the most of it!

Monday, August 15, 2005


i just descovered. i love blogging! i love writing on the internet for everyone to see!
i think this is the 4th post for today...?
not sure, but i think it is. yeah, it's been a kind of boring day.
i think i'll check my blog for comments now.

Sunday, August 14, 2005

CAT PICTURES!!! (see the pictures below, too)

this is my kitten, tinkerbelle, biting me. VERY HARD. the picutre's a little blurry... but you get the idea..
Image hosted by Photobucket.com
this is another picture of my sweet little kitten. you can atucally see her cuteness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! love love love for my kittie!!!
Image hosted by Photobucket.com


these are my friend's from the top left (we are pretending to be scared): alus, me, catherine. bottom from right: ali, caroline, kate, bea. AHHH... that was great. we really are usually, more attractive than this. *wink*
Image hosted by Photobucket.com

this is my dog, jacob. he's a border collie. isn't he cute???!!
Image hosted by Photobucket.com

can i help it if i'm beautiful?

i think i need to go to the library (or the liberry as i have been calling it *wink to bea and caroline and anyone else who has played nancy drew tresure in the royal tower and wanted to kill dexter eagen for bad pronunciation*).
i recently watched a show on PBS about the aztecs and when cortez tried to take them over. i didn't see the whole program, just as far as when cortez assembled his fleet and was starving the people of mexico city, but i was enthralled, and so i am counting on mom to, one of these days, take me to the "liberry" and i can get some books about the aztecs.
i asked mom if we could take a trip there, but she said she didn't want to get montezuma's revenge, so she wouldn't go.
dang it! so anyways, i think i will go and beg and plead with her some more, to at least see if the library's open on sundays. wish me luck!

Saturday, August 13, 2005


you know what i hate? stuffed up AND runny (at the same time) noses, aches, and sore throats.
you know what i love? NY-QUIL!
yes, i am a little sick right now. i should get over it real soon though. *sneeze*
i watched *cough* a semi-scary movie today.
house on haunted hill.
it was scary until you found out IT ISN'T SCARY!!!!!!
i hate movie's like that. *fume*

Thursday, August 11, 2005

HARRY: I shall stomp on you and tie you up and name you fizgig! MOSTERBOOK OF MONSTERS: aHaHaHaHaHaHaAhAHAHAhahaHA!

heyeh heyeh. (alistair laugh).
well, it's my cousin's last day here. tomorrow they go home to maryland. also, i am loosing my voice, so i have been carrying around a peice of paper all day to write on. it's been fun, even though my throat hurts like CRAP.
and also, bea is on vacation, so i only have ONE other person to talk to on the phone, because i daren't call a certain boy and sound like an idiot.
alice, bea, caroline, you know what i'm talkin' about. *wink*
anyways, i better go play with my cousins. lataz.

Friday, August 05, 2005


i just thought i'd tell everybody, i won't have very many updates because i have gotten myself partialy banned from the computer. yes, i know everybody is going to bawl their eyes out.
thanks for loving me so much.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

artemis fowl is the spicyist thing on earth

yes. i have a VERY SMALL crush on a book charictor. ok. maybe not that small. *hangs head* don't hate me for who i am.