Sunday, August 14, 2005

can i help it if i'm beautiful?

i think i need to go to the library (or the liberry as i have been calling it *wink to bea and caroline and anyone else who has played nancy drew tresure in the royal tower and wanted to kill dexter eagen for bad pronunciation*).
i recently watched a show on PBS about the aztecs and when cortez tried to take them over. i didn't see the whole program, just as far as when cortez assembled his fleet and was starving the people of mexico city, but i was enthralled, and so i am counting on mom to, one of these days, take me to the "liberry" and i can get some books about the aztecs.
i asked mom if we could take a trip there, but she said she didn't want to get montezuma's revenge, so she wouldn't go.
dang it! so anyways, i think i will go and beg and plead with her some more, to at least see if the library's open on sundays. wish me luck!


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