Friday, August 26, 2005


oo i almost forgot.
KYAKING WAS GREAT!!!!!! i know i didn't spell that right but i don't care.
nobody tipped, but matthew almost did getting in one time. it was really funny. ahh.......
and then jacob matthew and eva MADE me dunk my head in the lake when we were done, so i smelled like lake when we went to godfather's afterwards!
also, i have been going through my blog looking for comments. THERE ARE LIKE, 12 COMMENTS!!
seriuosly, what up with that? c'mon people, POST ALREADY!!!
whoa. i just stole 2 lines from harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban in 15 minutes in ONE POST.


Blogger Mrs. Bloom-McGregor-Felton-Murphy said...


5:05 PM  

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