Saturday, October 14, 2006

Homecoming and Show Choir

Okay, so I know it's been about a brazillion years since I updated, so this one is going to be nice and long. Homecoming was a couple weeks ago. I was supposed to go over to Molly's house, but I ended up going to Andra's because otherwise I wouldn't be able to eat because Molly made extremely last minute plans to go to Subway. Anyways, I wore the same dress I wore for 8th grade recognition, and I did my hair like Hermione's is in the 4th Hary Potter movie. In a nutshell, I was pretty hott.
So, anyways, we had this fabulous dinner with a chocolate fountain (!), and then at around 8:45 we got to the dance (note being fashoniably late). So I was dancing very skankily because that's the only way I know how to freestyle. Then a slowdance came on and all these couples were, like, pressing up against each other and like "I LOVE YOU!" and stuff, so, I danced with Maddy Kinkel and Maddy Fusco, because we are Maddy*ie* cubed, and it's cool.
But then I felt like someone was looking at me, and I turned and saw Peter, who is SUPA KOO', but not very attractive, and he was, like, staring at me, and so I was like "Ho, ho, Maddie, choo are pretty sexy tonight!" And so then there were more dances, blah blah blah, and somehow Peter kept ending up next to me, so I was like "Okay, this is kinda cool."
And then the next slow dance happened, and I kinda looked over at Peter, like "okay, is he going to ask me?" And he was like "Do you wanna dance?" And I was like "*blush* Sure..." So we danced and it was really like *blush, I think I might like you, blush*.
And then we kept ending up next to each other, and then I danced the last slow dance with Phil, because he's an awesome dancer and I was like "I MUST MERGE OUR TALENTS!" because I was the best girl dancer there and he was the best boy dancer. And Tacy was like "Aww! Maddie danced with Peter!" And I was like "AASADU! TACY STOP! THERE IS VERY LITTLE BETWEEN US!!" So now I think Peter likes me and I think I like Peter.
Okay, now onto the 5 hour Show Choir rehersal last night. We didn't get all 5 dances done because people wouldn't shut up, but we got Danger Zone, Knock on Wood, She Thinks My Tractor's Sexy (boys only), and Hit the Road Jack (girls only with a boy solo for a few seconds), done. All we have to do is "The New Jerusalem" or something like that.
But everyone was like "UGG! STUPID FRESHMAN NEED TO SHUT UP!" but all my friends were like "WE'RE NOT TALKING!" and they weren't. It was most of the freshman boys, who ALWAYS TALK OMG!!! Oh, but there is this couple dance, but there isn't very much you do with your partner, it's just, he puts his hand on her shoulder and she puts her hand on his hand, only her back is to him, and then she turns and they do this little shuffle kick thing and then they move apart. But there's this girl solo where she goes down through all the boys and is like *spank spank spank* only not REALLY, but you know.
So I don't have a partner (*sob), but I'm next to Lydia and Peter who are partners, and Maddy Kinkel on the risers. And Mrs. Schniders was like "If you guys goof off with your partner, I will switch you! I'm sure there are a lot of girls that don't have partners that want partners, right?" And, like, all the girls shook their heads (me included), and I looked back at Peter and he was looking at me. It was sweet. So anyways, that pretty much sums up my entire past couple of weeks. Happy, Max?


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