Sunday, March 18, 2007


YAY!!! I'm back! It's spring break guys, and I've had the flu for the past three days. Actually, the past three days have been school, so I kind of have an extended spring break. If that makes sense, good. If not, too bad, I'm too lazy to go back through this a check for spelling mistakes and logic mistakes or whatever you want to call them! YAY!
So okay, I've set up a time to have a sleepover with Rachel M! It's going to be a blast and a half, because we're going to watch the homeschool play, which I was unable to attend because my choir teacher is an ass hat about things like that apparently. Very long story, but I'll tell it anyways:
Okay, so as you all probably know, I made a promise to the homeschool people last year that I would come to be at their play for that one night. One night out of the entire year was set aside just for them. It's the homeschool play, it's a big deal, yes? Yes. Of course it is! So it also happens to fall on this completely retarded show choir concert which has no point at being there at all. So I was like "I'm not going to that show choir concert, I owe it to my homeschool friends to be at their thing, it's one night a year, I have devoted the majority of my Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, plus three saturdays to show choir; I need to be at the play this one night." So mom was like "Okay, fine, but ask Mrs. Schneiders if you can miss the concert." So I was like "Okay, whatever, no one's going to care." So then I go to Mrs. Schneiders and I was like "You're not going to be happy, but I need to miss the show choir concert. It's my friend's play and I need to be there. I promi-" and she was like "No. No, you're not going to it. I'm sorry. But your friends don't even care if you're there or not. Are they coming to see you perform? [Me: No, because they're putting on a play, genius. But I hold my tounge because if you backsass a teacher, you get in serious trouble.] No they aren't. They won't care if you're there or not. [Me: Au contraire, Mrs. Schneiders] You made a promise to show choir. [Yes, but I made a promise to my friends first, and if you didn't have this stupid concert, that no one cares about, we wouldn't be having this conversation.] Besides, it's what we've worked for. [I thought the competitions were what we worked for?] And it's not fair to the people who didn't get solos. [WTF?!?! I don't even have a solo that night!] I know you don't have a solo, but still... [Still what?] No. You can't miss. You aren't going to the play. I'm sorry. [No you aren't.]"
So that was that. But then I was sick for the concert anyways, so suck on that show choir. Yeah. It hurts, doesn't it? Yeah, that's what I thought.
I'm also seeing 300 tomorrow!!! YAY 300!!!! I LOVE THAT MOVIE!!! It is completely badass. Like, all the fighting is like "I kick your ass, now I kick your ass, now I shove this spear through your liver, now I kick your ass..." etc. Very nice. Very well done. Has lots of stupid peices of script, but OMG you cannot beat that fighting. It even gave me semi-blood lust, which is a rare thing for me to have. I think the only other movie that's given me bloot lust was actually LOTR and kinda Indiana Jones.
Oh, which reminds me, I haven't told you guys that I saw Indiana Jones! It was a premium movie. Well, the first and the third ones were, the second was complete shit. I was like like "OMG INDY HOW CAN YOU DO THIS TO YOURSELF!" So now I just pretend like nothing happened and it went straight from the first to the third. Good times, yes?
I also started Jonathan Safran Foer's latest book Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close and of course it kicks serious ass. Everything is Illuminated is also, like, freaking amazing, and I want to marry it. I will marry Jonathan Safran Foer if it's the last thing I do! *stoic pose*
Well, I'd better go, this is long enough, I think. Don't you? Yes? Yes.
My god, this is like an epic poem, freaking repeating itself over and over. (We read The Odyessey in English. It also kicked serious ass.)


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