Sunday, August 05, 2007

Holy shit, I'm back up!

Hey! I finally learned how to work this fucking thing! Woot! Lots of things to update, but what better way to start again than with a guest post by the Lovely Leslie? You can view MY guest post on HER blog too. Ch-ch-ch-ch-check it out.

Gutentag, gentle readers! Your prayers have been answered. Maddie is back at her blog. I for one anxiously await updates on her latest adventures in that murky time we call adolecence. We have had many an exciting excursion here in whereeverIliveville, the most recent involving watching House of Wax and Rosemary's Baby and staying up all night. We were armed with only a half-full bag of Cheetos, a cross blessed by the vatican (yes! I shit you not!) and another cross which may not be a cross at all and only a T that says "Assisi". It must have holy powers though, because as you can see, we are still alive. Our next conquest is to recreate the food eaten in Deathly Hallows while the gang are out hunting Horcruxes. We were going to steal eggs from the neighbors, but decided since all humanity doesn't rely on our getting more food, the work wouldn't be worth it.
Well, that is the news from Maddie's World, but before signing off I leave you with these words of wisdom: If Gandhi doesn't need a shit list, neither do you.

So yes.... I'm going to put an entry up later explaining all about my trip to [place where Leslie lives], and containing Deathly Hallow spoliers (even though we all knew that it was going to happen).
So yes. Going home today. Feeling just very "meh" about it. Meh. Meh meh meh.
The sun is rising. Rise is the name of a dance where this totally awesome amazing dancer is in... but more about that later.
Sorry for the lack of updates for, like, nine months, but I had no idea how to work this fucking thing... eh.

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Blogger Leslie Jo said...

Maddie, I'm not sure if I should type this out loud, but I think we write better when we've been awake for 20 hours. I should do some research on this. CDs greatly appreciated, btw. Am I now as cool as you?

3:22 AM  

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