Sunday, August 27, 2006


Okay, so I started school on wednesday. I don't like it very much, but I think it'll be okay once I get used to it. And if I still hate it, I don't have to go next year! I just have to finish out the term!But dancing starts soon, so that should make everything more bareable, which is good. And I got a study hall also by dropping Art I, so I can do some of my homework then, and I won't have to worry about taking forever to do it at home and I can focus on more fun stuff.

And yes, I am still obsessed with fan fiction. =) School won't knock that out of me!

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Oh noes

School starts on Wednesday. I seriously think I might have a heart attack. And cry. And die. And then come back to life to read the last *sob* Harry Potter book. And then decide to live, but not go to school anymore. Confused? I know. And I have to live it.
Also, they haven't updated the Ron/Hermione fan fiction site yet, and Hutchinson is keeping me in complete chaos by not updating her fic, "Hermione at the Burrow", so I don't know what happens yet when Ron goes to ask Mr. and Mrs. Granger if he can marry Hermione. But I'm keeping myself entertained with learning some new words from (haha, Leslie).
And my cousins came from Maryland and stayed a week at my grandma's house.
I cried I was so happy. And dad and Olivia noticed. *facepalm*

Monday, August 07, 2006


Our family reunion was this weekend. I found out that, like, a ton of my cousins are famous. I already knew that J.D. was an actor and is very good friends with Billy Bob Thornton, but I didn't know that Christian is a published poet and Sean works for Neversoft, which makes the Tony Hawk skater games. Sean's also an awesome artist and we got to look at one of his sketch books. They blew my mind. I'm so ahamed of all my drawings now that I thought were pretty good. They're crap. Well, not Ginny and Hermione, but all the other ones suck compared to Sean's stuff.
He did this storyboard where he was thinking of what would happen if we had robots to help us with our jobs, and he did one for a fisherman. It was this really lanky robot that had a duck floaty and baseball bat and it went out and whacked fish so the fisherman could reel them in easier. It was soooo cool! And he's also totally awesome at drawing soldiers. He drew these Natzi's... OMG it blew my mind. And then he gave me this professional sketch pencil that's blue and is soooo cool and erases so well and stuff. I was, like, totally amazed. So now I can't stop talking about Sean because he is the shit, man. He's up there with Dumbledoor and Cillian.
Oh, also, I told J.D. that I'm making a movie and he's really pumped about it and he wants a copy and everything. He kept asking me questions about it and recomending directing schools and stuff. It was SOOOO awesome!!!

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Pic for you!

Just a little something for you guys to laugh about.

I found this picture of Cillian hugging some girl in a movie, and I got a little jealous so.....

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I modified the pic a little. It didn't work out too well as you can see, because though I cut my face out so it would fit perfectly, there was a big white box around it that covered Cillian's nose and ear, so I had to add those back in, as well as part of the window and his jacket. I used some of my "hair" to cover the part of his hand that got cut out.

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I know, I know, it's complete shit and a terrible pic of me to add to the shittyness....
But isn't it hilarious?