Monday, August 11, 2008

Hey hey hey! Its fat Halpert....

Howdy guys.
THE NEW ARTEMIS FOWL BOOK (Aretmis Fowl: The Time Paradox)IS OUT!!!! I won't give spoliers, except to say that its AWESOME!
In other news, school starts in ten days. =[
The summer needs to never end ever ever ever. Because I really cannot face those idiots at school for another FUCKING YEAR. *stabs eyes out*
And also, I am stupid.
For reasons which anyone who needs to know already know....

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Silly parents, Dr. Pepper is for KIDS. NOT INFANTS

So I am totally belatedly starting the summer homework assignment for AP Lang and Comp. I have to read Fast Food Nation and Amusing Ourselves to Death and anotate and all this shit before the 20th... Fourteen days... should be enough time. Alright so I'm a little fucked, who cares.
Yeah, totally read something that disturbed me MUCHO in Fast Food Nation: Apparently parents fed their INFANT BABIES WHO ARE LITTLE AND NOT FULLY DEVELOPED AND BABIES.... pop. Because... the insignias were on the bottles that they bought.... WTF?!?!?!? DUMBASS IF YOU DONT KNOW NOT TO FEED YOUR LITTLE BABY POP, DONT HAVE A BABY!