Monday, December 24, 2007

We learn, Johanna, to say "Goodybe" [I'll steal you]

Do you know what just happened? I HAD A WHOLE FREAKING PAGE OF NONSENSE AND MONOLOGUE TYPED OUT HERE, WHICH HAD TAKEN ME ABOUT SEVEN MINUTES TO WRITE (NOT couning editing, or whatever, but I didn't do a lot of that) AND THEN THE COMPUTER WAS A BUTTFACE AND WENT BACKWARDS TO THE LAST PAGE AND SOMEHOW WENT FORWARD TO THIS PAGE AGAIN AND DELETED IT!!! And now I'm like, "The hell, man? What should I talk about? Should I recap? I don't know, cuz I can't really rememeber exactly what I was talking about... I know when I began I was talking about Sweeney Todd and how much I love it, and how I was like "I don't care about punctuation because I'm just going to put whatever's in my head that I'm thinking and put it down on this page" and then I started talking about how I'm writing a new novel, but I had probably just killed it by saying that I'm writing a new novel and now it's double jinxed, because I just said that twice, and then I said I was happy because it's "Winter" break [funny how it always happens to happen a few days before Christmas...] and then I started talking about something, but I don't remember what. All I know is that right before the computer turned into an asshat I was talking about Darfur, and about how we should do something about that.
Anyways, continuing on where I left off, we should do something about Darfur. I mean, we're sitting here, worrying about our oil and their's a mass genocide that we won't even acknowledge. We're just like "Oh, yeah, you don't have oil so... whatever" and it's like Rwanda all over again. Which, if you don't know about Rwanda and what happened there, you are, like, completely ignorant and need to get out a lot more.
Also, I just realized that this has autosaved drafts every minute, BUT IF THERE'S AN AUTOSAVED DRAFT OF MY LAST THING WHY DIDN'T IT COME BACK ON?!?!?!
Idk. Maybe I'll find it later and put it up as a bonus post, if anyone still reads this thing. I hope you haven't forgotten about me, even though I've forgotten about my journal. Or, really, just become to lazy to post on it. But there' really not a lot to say about my day-to-day life. I'm in show choir. I have a duet thingy that's special. I have to remember to call Donni tomorrow and ask her if she'll accompany me to try out for a spotlight at Cabaret once break gets over.
Speaking of which, I really have no idea what I'm going to do when I have to go back to school. I hate it there so much. Well, I don't really hate school, I hate a lot of people in school. They're so immature and rude and close-minded and selfcentered that you just want to grab them and shake them and tell them how insignificant they are. I'm not saying that I'm significant, I'm saying that I know I'm not, which allows me to be able to become significant faster. I'm kind of rereading this and noticing that I sound like a villian in a Batman comic or something. That's kinda crazy. Lol.
Anyways, yeah. I guess that's enough ranting for you now.
Happy Holidays!
Oh, but every entry should have something about Ron and Hermione so... Ron and Hermione are awesome and totally married now, which is totally awesome!

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