Tuesday, February 13, 2007

WARNING: Crazy, unorganized post

Ah... the joys of snowdays... I wish every day was a snowday, but there you are. Instead, I am working on my Biology homework, which is writing a paper about a bone or muscle disorder. Mines about scoliosis. Riviting, I know... Anyway, dancing is tonight. Woot for me. At least, if I can get out I'm going. It kinda sucks though, because I've missed a lot of classes, which means I probably won't be in the front row for tap... *cries in agony*
OH! AND I SAW PHANTOM OF THE OPERA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT WAS THE IMBODIMENT OF EVERYTHING THAT IS BEAUTIFUL, AMAZING, AND GOOD IN THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WORDS CANNOT BEGIN TO DESCRIBE IT!!! THE PHANTOM WAS AMAZING!!! *sighs happily* And to think that someday I'm going to be in that production (cross your fingers, folks!) All in all, this has been a pretty good year so far. I got a spotlight in Cabaret, which I don't think I've mentioned yet. If you care about what Cabaret and spotlights are, leave a comment and I will explain. For now I am too lazy. Also, I have a solo for the next Show Choir competition, so that should be fun. Cross your fingers that a talent scout will hear me and ask me to play Cosette in Les Miserable or something. That would be amazing... *goes into fantasy*
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAANYWAY................... I'm also going to try out for the spring play, which is the "important" one, so to speak. Wish me luck. Okay? Okay.
Oscar nominations came out (see Leslie's blog for further details, no doubt =P). No Johnny Depp for Best Actor in POTC2!?!?!?!?!?! Crazy loonheads... As soon as I'm Queen of the World, I will change all those rules. Also, Chicago will un-win Best Picture in 2002 or whatever it was, and LOTR 2 will win!!! BWAHAHAHAHA!!!!
OH! Which reminds me, in Phantom of the Opera, there was this guy during Il Muto, who held this one low note for, like, five minutes, it was AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So sometime next month, Rachel T and I are going to get together and make Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince into a movie with spoons!!!! It's going to be AMAZING!!!! (can you tell that my favourite word right now is amazing?) But seriously though, it's crazy good. I made the Dumbledoor puppet out of a spoon and some cottonballs, it's hilarious. Maybe I'll post it on youtube or something and you can see it. Oh, speaking of youtube, Neil has a new video out!!! It's hilarious. I love Neil. Neil, if you can read this, I love you. Cillian, I love you too. Anyway, I guess I'd better go ahead and post this. OH WAIT! ONE MORE THING!!!! Sam is totally like, whacked out on Supernatural, and Dean's all "I HAVE TO SAVE MY KID BROTHER!!!!" And Jim and Pam are being stupid as usual.
So there's the update people, if you made it all the way through. I honestly can't think of anything else to say. OO! EXCEPT I FOUND THIS AWESOME FAN ART SITE!!! It's soooo good. www.dieviantart.com Crazy good, and there's no nudity! (Unlike some websites... *glares at www.artisticalley.com*) Okay, now I swear to God, I'm done. Thank you for reading this completely pointless amazing post. I hope you enjoyed it. =P