Sunday, November 13, 2005

Ron/Hermione shipper parts!

Okay, I have been working hard finding all the very good Ron/Hermione shipper parts in Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, and I will now write them down so that when Bea and Leslie check this website, they will see them. (Hey Bea and Leslie!)
Now, I haven't gotten all the way through the book yet, but here are the page numbers and comments so far....

p. 186 potions class. ron jelous of harry.
p. 219 ron points out scars and tallness.
p. 223 hermione mad at lavender. NO DUH!! LAVENDER'S A BUTTPIE!
p. 226 hermione hearts ron! lavender defeated! HOORAH!
p. 247-248 hermione jelous of madame rosmerta.
p. 281-284 GAAAH! BEST PART EVER!!!
p. 289 ron hates krum.
p. 290 ron takes krum hate out on hermione.
p. 291 still more hermione hate. JUST SNOGG HER, RON!!!
p. 292 hah! lavender defeatage! i heart that!
p. 299 poor hermione.
p. 300-302 DOUBLE poor hermione! ron's such a butt AND LAVENDER NEEDS TO DIE!!!!
p.304 right ron "just friends"....
p. 313-314 hermione TOTALLY BURNS ron! YAIY! you go girl!

Basically, anything in chapter 15 is enjoyable too. All this drama, it's like Passions, only better.
I might post more page numbers when I find them. I'm sure you're all looking forward to that. *crickets chirp in background*
And I wonder why people think I'm weird.....*sigh*


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