Monday, November 07, 2005

"Oh, honey, I don't think you're a jackass... I think you're a jack ANGEL!"-Kitty

Yesterday I went to Alice's house. It was fun. We played in the sewer drain (I KNOW THAT SOUNDS BAD, BUT WE WERE LOOKING FOR DEAD BODIES!!!) We pretended someone had stashed a body in one of these little pipe things, so we went to look for "evidence" (old crushed pop cans, a soccer ball[???], and napkins and stuff). I was raking through some water with this plastic kids rake, and I got a SKULL. It was so funny, Alice and I were like "Omg, we really DID find a body!!!" So then we went into her house and soaked the skull in bleach and all these creepy bugs came out of it and it was creepy/scary. Alice's mom, Debbie, thinks it's, like a beaver or sewar rat or something. I'll have to ask Karla when she visits... She's an expert on that kinda stuff.


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