Monday, October 17, 2005


Annnndd..... The preview is still not done loading and I have nothing better to do then keep writing.
Passions is on in 15 minutes though, so I can take nice long breaks from yelling at the computer to hurry up with the stupid trailer. Dad said it was going to take a long time to download, but I had no idea it was going to be, like, 4 hours!!! Jeezzzz......
Mock Trial is tonight, by the way. I can only come for one hour though because Caroline has some sort of concert thing with her chior. School chior, because our church doesn't have a chior or anything.
I don't know if I said this before, but I'm going to say it anyways, because I have nothing better to talk about.
I have been writing Robinson's Wharf, and I think it's almost over. Almost though. Kate played the theme song for church yesterday, and that kind of inspired me. I also stayed up till, like, 12 last night writing down Monty Python skits for "shits and giggles".'s great being me.
I want a laptop and a camcorder for Christmas, but I don't think I'll get either one. It's a nice wish though. And it would be very helpful for my writing skills.
Hey! There's not much left to download for HP! Only like, a zillion minutes worth!!! *kipsigh*
Maybe I should ask for satalite for Christmas instead.........
I think I will. Also, there is no Draco yet. OMG PASSIONS IS ON!


Blogger Leslie Jo said...

There should be a whole trailer just for Draco!
YAY! Somebody besides my mom says "shits and giggles"! Did you get that from me?

6:24 AM  
Blogger Mrs. Bloom-McGregor-Felton-Murphy said...


3:56 AM  

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