Thursday, June 30, 2005


mom and dad might be buying lots in a cemetary. it's really creepy, and kind of depressing. i hope they decide to wait UNTIL THEY'RE DEAD.
anyways. mom said my great aunt has one complete with a tombstone.
mary, you are crazy.
so anyways. write me back and cheer me up.
passions isn't on because of wimbledon. :( sorry bea.

Monday, June 27, 2005


we went to omaha on saturday. someone wrote on our car. i wrote back and said "write on your own #@$^$% car". then someone else at a pool wrote "i'm gay" and "homo" on it. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA THATS FUNNY!!! *dripping with sarcasm and hatred*
nebraska, land of the a-holes that write on your car and are butt pies becuase i hate them.
we had fun at the reunion though. but i need to write robinson's wharf. it has to be done by next february so we can start editing and then filming next summer.
also, when will opposits day begin filming i wonder?? they'd better tell me. because i have the lead role. not jacob.

Saturday, June 25, 2005

tony hawk

kate helped me re-do my blog today.
it's awesome b-joshum!
then we shot the "passions" charictors with nurf bullets. too bad calliou wasn't on. we would have shot him too.
now we are going to play tony hawk and stuff and have a sleepover with alice!
ps. the vet thinks my dog jacob is going senile, and has caderacs, so he might go blind. i don't think that would happen though.
because he is my buddy boy.
pps. that is a picture of alice and me underneath my profile. alice is the smaller one with curly hair. i am the one with the brown hair. kate took that picture.
it rocks my socks.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

kkk sucks

here is an artlice i stumbled across on yahoo.
it's about this 80 year old ex-kkk member that is going to get 60 years in prison for killing 3 people in '64.
go justice system! keep on finding those creeps.

"i have to see a man about a dog."~ chuck

chuck has a dog named dickey. chuck is a farmer friend of terrys. he is in no realation to
brian-head. just to clairify that.



my daddy has a blog. it's hot. check out my comments and you can see it. jahann gambol putty guy.... yea.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005



Monday, June 20, 2005

20 questions

here is the link to a totally cool site!
so much fun!!

father's day

oh. btw, happy father's day.

Sunday, June 19, 2005


so i have been looking at all these different blogs, with the help of the next blog button. it is really cool. there was this one that was like "saladin's blog" or something, and it was from this guy that was in a country i have never heard of! although i am assuming it is somewhere in the middle east, where saladin was from. but anyways, if you are reading this and i don't know you, that is really freaky/cool/weird! tah tah.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

harry potter 3

okay, i just said that i would write again in my live journal and xanga, so here i am. now we have to go to the movie place so we can get harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban. "the only sin i have ever comitted, was reading harry potter." - a dupal

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

bay yaaaaa

i'm at bea's house. it rocks. you lose. the end.

Saturday, June 11, 2005

raspberry green tea soda forever!

mmmmmmmmkk. so there has not been a lot going on lately. i am just trying to have as many updates as kate does (this will never happen unless kate stops blogging for, like, a year and a half). so anyways, on with the show i guess ;). bea came over yesterday, and we watched wait untill dark. it was VERY SCARY. lots more scary then when i saw it when i was 9 or something. but then again. i was nine.
someone who we don't know said something in caroline's blog *jaw drops*. that is... a mostly political blog (democrats!! whoot moot!) anyways, thats about it. truman's birthday party is today, so that should be fun. better get ready!

Thursday, June 09, 2005


well, i have been invited to this thing at grace church this saturday. i would not go, if bea wasn't going. but she is. so i am going. i am going to wear my "give me that old time religion" shirt. oh yea. it's gonna be great!

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

the island

"the island" comes out June 10th i believe. mmmm hmmmm OPENING NIGHT WITH BEA!!!!
ewan was on jay lenno last night. he was so ADORABLE! just like a kid, and not to mention REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY HOTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
his shirt was stupid, but other than that, he was ADORABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! anyways, yea. he is hott. BUT YOU ARE HOTT TOO ORLI! JUST AS MANY REALLYS AS HIM!