Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Good times

Hello again internet! I just found this old letter I wrote to the guy that now writes the Harry Potter movies in my "Fan Fiction" folder and I was like "this is the most hilarious thing ever! I must share it with the world." So here you go, world. Here's my crazy.

Dear Mr. Michael Goldenburg-face-guy,

YOU ARE MY FRIGGIN’ IDOL, BEOTCH!!!!! WHERE THE HELL DID YOU LEARN TO WRITE LIKE THAT!! YOU ARE DA MAN FO’ SHIZZLE, MAH SPANISH GALLEON. You are pretty much my favourite human. Take over for Mr. Stupid-Butt-Pie-Writer-Cloves-Face-Man, because you rock da socks and are a Ron/Hermione shipper, and he is poopy and a Harry/Hermione shipper. That ship must sink, and all on it must drown in their own disgustingness! I say this, of course, with the utmost conviction.
Yes, you rocked the boft, if I do say so myself, which I do. And my praise is certainly much higher than a lot that you will get, because I thought all the Harry Potter movies were shit, except the third one which was the shit because of Alfonso Cuaron and all the Ron/Hermione-ness.
Harmony= Poopy-face-guy-head. Heron= HEART HEART HEART HEART HEART!!!! Yay! With a side helping of lotsofsexandbabies. ß Alan Rickman quote, beotch.

In short, you are pretty much the shit right now.
I’mma go take 5 and read some Ron/Hermione fan fiction. There’s this pwnigde one, where they get married. Its so cute. You should read it. It’s by alloy on Alloy is a 35 year old man, but don’t let that stop you, his writing is mah favrito.

Heron-ly yours,

Maddie “The Shipper” Schoonover-Murphy-Grint
Okay. This is just crazy. I love it.

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Tuesday, July 07, 2009

I'm baaack take II

Hey guys! So I'm totally updating again! Not even going to TRY and fill you guys up on everything that's been happening around here for the past, what has it been? 50 weeks? Okay, I got that from this counter thing on here but whatever. I was reading these entries aloud to Leslie over the phone and I was like "Dude, that's dandy." except without as much alliteration or whatever it is you call it. Anywho, I just picked my top five people (through the facebook) who I would choose to put on a team to save the world and it was as follows (this will serve as a nice template to talk about stuff I like, see? Smart, yes? Of course yes.)
1: David Tennant as Doctor Who: OKAY I WANT TO HAVE THIS MAN'S BABIES. Weeelll, both of them.... welll...... at least have sex with both of them..... well actually a threesome........... Jkjk. Whatever. Kind of jk, but not really. Okay, David Tennant is the sexiest man EVAH! Or one of them at least, and the Doctor is THE COOLEST PERSON EVAH OMG even though he's not a person, he's a Timelord but fo' rizzle that doesn't even matter so whatever. I still would get sleezy for him. Okay, next.
2: Cillian Murphy as Jim: Yes. Cuz hes a sexy beast in my book, still. Always will be. Nuff said because I already have about forty million posts on this thing about him.
3: Sgt Lincoln Osiris: ROFLMAO. I am definitely in love with Robert Downey Jr. Ever since I saw Kiss Kiss Bang Bang which was, like, MADE for me, I have been in love with him and if it wasn't for poor ol' Heath he DEFINITELY would have gotten the Oscar for best supporting actor in this role.
4: Ron and Hermione: Okay, I cheated, but you know me. R+ HR= 4EVAH YAY!
5: Aragorn: So I've been on this LOTR kick lately and I couldn't very well leave The King Of Men out of this selection of BAs now could I? I didn't think so! And thus concludes my very amazing list of people that I would choose to save the world. =] I hope you found it enjoyable because I zoned out halfway through writing this because I thought of something else EXTREMELY IMPORTANT I SHOULD TELL EVERYONE WHO READS THIS THING! And that is YOU ALL NEED TO READ "The Book Thief" by Markus Zusak. It is the most amazing work of literature I have ever read. It steps on my heart and makes me cry. But it is a necesary evil because in order to be happy about all the wonderful things in it, I must also be sad about all the things in it. Its a Holocaust book. Enter at your own risk, except you should TOTALLY read it O my brothers, which brings me to another book you should read/movie you should watch and that is "A Clockwork Orange"! Anthony Burgess (the author) recommends you read not the shitty American version, but the British version because that's the one that he actually isn't ashamed of... soo... go out and buy those books and viddy well O my brothers for you shall have a very horror show summer then!

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Monday, August 11, 2008

Hey hey hey! Its fat Halpert....

Howdy guys.
THE NEW ARTEMIS FOWL BOOK (Aretmis Fowl: The Time Paradox)IS OUT!!!! I won't give spoliers, except to say that its AWESOME!
In other news, school starts in ten days. =[
The summer needs to never end ever ever ever. Because I really cannot face those idiots at school for another FUCKING YEAR. *stabs eyes out*
And also, I am stupid.
For reasons which anyone who needs to know already know....

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Silly parents, Dr. Pepper is for KIDS. NOT INFANTS

So I am totally belatedly starting the summer homework assignment for AP Lang and Comp. I have to read Fast Food Nation and Amusing Ourselves to Death and anotate and all this shit before the 20th... Fourteen days... should be enough time. Alright so I'm a little fucked, who cares.
Yeah, totally read something that disturbed me MUCHO in Fast Food Nation: Apparently parents fed their INFANT BABIES WHO ARE LITTLE AND NOT FULLY DEVELOPED AND BABIES.... pop. Because... the insignias were on the bottles that they bought.... WTF?!?!?!? DUMBASS IF YOU DONT KNOW NOT TO FEED YOUR LITTLE BABY POP, DONT HAVE A BABY!

Monday, December 24, 2007

We learn, Johanna, to say "Goodybe" [I'll steal you]

Do you know what just happened? I HAD A WHOLE FREAKING PAGE OF NONSENSE AND MONOLOGUE TYPED OUT HERE, WHICH HAD TAKEN ME ABOUT SEVEN MINUTES TO WRITE (NOT couning editing, or whatever, but I didn't do a lot of that) AND THEN THE COMPUTER WAS A BUTTFACE AND WENT BACKWARDS TO THE LAST PAGE AND SOMEHOW WENT FORWARD TO THIS PAGE AGAIN AND DELETED IT!!! And now I'm like, "The hell, man? What should I talk about? Should I recap? I don't know, cuz I can't really rememeber exactly what I was talking about... I know when I began I was talking about Sweeney Todd and how much I love it, and how I was like "I don't care about punctuation because I'm just going to put whatever's in my head that I'm thinking and put it down on this page" and then I started talking about how I'm writing a new novel, but I had probably just killed it by saying that I'm writing a new novel and now it's double jinxed, because I just said that twice, and then I said I was happy because it's "Winter" break [funny how it always happens to happen a few days before Christmas...] and then I started talking about something, but I don't remember what. All I know is that right before the computer turned into an asshat I was talking about Darfur, and about how we should do something about that.
Anyways, continuing on where I left off, we should do something about Darfur. I mean, we're sitting here, worrying about our oil and their's a mass genocide that we won't even acknowledge. We're just like "Oh, yeah, you don't have oil so... whatever" and it's like Rwanda all over again. Which, if you don't know about Rwanda and what happened there, you are, like, completely ignorant and need to get out a lot more.
Also, I just realized that this has autosaved drafts every minute, BUT IF THERE'S AN AUTOSAVED DRAFT OF MY LAST THING WHY DIDN'T IT COME BACK ON?!?!?!
Idk. Maybe I'll find it later and put it up as a bonus post, if anyone still reads this thing. I hope you haven't forgotten about me, even though I've forgotten about my journal. Or, really, just become to lazy to post on it. But there' really not a lot to say about my day-to-day life. I'm in show choir. I have a duet thingy that's special. I have to remember to call Donni tomorrow and ask her if she'll accompany me to try out for a spotlight at Cabaret once break gets over.
Speaking of which, I really have no idea what I'm going to do when I have to go back to school. I hate it there so much. Well, I don't really hate school, I hate a lot of people in school. They're so immature and rude and close-minded and selfcentered that you just want to grab them and shake them and tell them how insignificant they are. I'm not saying that I'm significant, I'm saying that I know I'm not, which allows me to be able to become significant faster. I'm kind of rereading this and noticing that I sound like a villian in a Batman comic or something. That's kinda crazy. Lol.
Anyways, yeah. I guess that's enough ranting for you now.
Happy Holidays!
Oh, but every entry should have something about Ron and Hermione so... Ron and Hermione are awesome and totally married now, which is totally awesome!

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Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Werewolf barmitzvah spooky, scary! Boys becoming men, men becoming wolves!

Okay, time for another long overdue post from myself, brought on my Maddy Kinkel saying when she googles her name, the first thing that pops us is a livejournal entry of mine concerning her. SOo.... I really have no idea when I last wrote an entry, so I really don't know what's happened since then.
Exciting new news though! My school is having a Sadie Hawkins dance! I am terribly excited about this, except the guy I am thinking of asking, I would just be asking because we are PURELY friends, but I think he likes me.... and thats bad... eh. I am probably going to ask Peter, but... idk. I don't want to lead him on or anything, in the wrong way, you know.
Also, my friend Molly Richardson is currently daiting this really cool freshman named Scott Foster, and they're going to a wedding together.... how awkward would that be? Don't you think that would be so freaking terribly awkward. I would freaking die.
Also, school is going pretty well...
1st period: Video Production is pretty fun.
2nd period: Francais est tres bien! Et toi? Vous savez bien que vous ne pouvez pas reste la...!
3rd period: Study Hall in the choir room [holy shit, I just choked on a huge peice of ice here] powns all.
4th period: APUSH. Woot woot. I like this class surprisingly.
5th period: Choir. Bitches.
6th period: Chemistry. Blechish.
7th period: Geometry yaaaay! So much fun!
8th period: Advanced English 10! Surprisingly not as insane as I thought it would be. But still, its pretty insane.

AAAH! HUGE NEWS!!!!! THE OFFICE IS CLOSING DOWN PRODUCTION BECAUSE STUPID WRITERS ARE BEING STUPID AND STRIKING AND PAM IS BEING STUPID AND STRIKING WITH THEM TOO. *fumes* And just when the SS Jam was sailing so beautifully... and then Karen had to enter the picture again.. except for kinda not, but I liked it when she wasn't even on the TV show. It made me happy knowing that I didn't have to see her ugly face every freaking week.
Oh, I was in the school play. It was really fun, but that means that I've missed four weeks worth of Supernatural, which is bad!! Bad bad bad! Except for now Dean just keeps making booty calls.

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Sunday, September 02, 2007

Too much of a good thing?

Okay, so I don't know if I wrote on here about the kid who I have dubbed Oskar, but who's name is actually Daniel. Anyway, he just came over one day and has been coming over multiple times every day since then.
I would be fine with this, since he's obviously lonely and starved for attention, it he didn't turn out to be sooooo annoying a lot of the time. I feel bad for saying this, but he never freaking leaves! And a couple days ago he brought over his brother and sister and now they're over here every freaking hour of the freaking day! I mean, litterally, it NEVER ENDS! You think they might like to play at home for a while, or that their parents would be like "Hey, how about you give those people a break? Huh? BECAUSE YOU'RE ALWAYS THE FUCK OVER THERE!" but they don't! And so we are left to be like "Hey, we have to... go wax our cat. Go away and don't come back, till, like, a year from now."
And now I kinda don't even care that I'm being rather brutal about it, because it seriously is hella annoying and they get everything out and don't put it back and now I'm getting the sneaking suspicion that their parents are sending them over here so they can have some fucking peace!
So now I have decided that Daniel is a Daniel and is neither an Oskar or a Thattius. He is a Daniel, if he is not a James. He would be a James because he is interfering with my life, just like James interfered with Lily and Severus'. RRRG. Now I'm just pissing myself off further, because now its becoming even more evident that they just want to come over here to use our stuff. Maybe they don't have any toys of their own, because thats how they're using our stuff. And "James" even asked for my yearbook, and I was like "Hell no!!" kinda.
So thats my rant o' the day.
