Friday, December 30, 2005

HIDALGO: *tear*

PASSIONS UPDATE YAY!!! Haven't done one of these in a while...
The mystery woman was revealed yesterday, and I haven't seen the episode yet!!! I'm going to when we go home. Right now we're at Grandma's house. We're going to have spagetti (pasketti, Bea *wink*) for dinner. Mmm.... spagetti.
Also, I finished both the Nancy Drews I got for Christmas!!!!!! The next one that's going to come out is set in France, and there's this disigner who lives in this windmill thing, and she's like, going crazy or something. It sounds kinda like Curse of Blackmoor manor. It's called "Danger by Design" or something like that. Anyways, it sounds fun!
Gotta go now. Adios!


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